Chapter 16 | Burns and breakdowns

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A/N- So I wanted to focus some on green flame, this is a multi shipping book as I mentioned so I wanted to give you their perspective in their relationship while I get my brain to start braining and think about bruise plots. Sorry for last week, I was sick.. oh and please comment!! They keep me going!

Love the way you lie- Rihanna and Eminem

Kai's POV

I clench my fist, a familiar sting panting in the back of my eyes. I feel the oh so familiar feeling to scream and become fucking hulk..

How could he just stand me up!?

I'm the KAI!! I don't get "stood up" it's not in my vocabulary!!

After everything- does he even love me..?!

I feel a muscle in my jaw tick as I recall just how much time I had waited for him, hoping it was traffic

It's not even the first time!! Ofcourse I tried to set up dates for us but almost ALWAYS I get fucking stood up. Either it's an excuse, an emergency or some shit!!

But this time?

No.. no more!! I am done being hurt almost every time!! If he doesn't want me,. If he doesn't want my dates and love just say it to my face.. SAY IT TO MY FUCKING FACE!!!

I feel the taste of metal in my mouth and on my lip, looking at the time I scowl.


WOW just wow

Our date was supposed to be at 9!! I WAITED FOR ALMOST 4 HOURS!!

And just like that, when the clock hit 1:30 there comes Lloyd, rushing in color drained from his face. At the moment I failed to realize his expressions and more so- the pain he failed to hide, inflicted on his body

"Kai I am so damn sorry," he runs a stressed hand through his blonde locks "Something came up.. seriously I am so sorry- I'll make it up to you I swear! I-"

"No" he raises an eyebrow unable to read my facial expression.


"I said NO you aren't going to make it up to me. You know why?" He gulps

I want to scream at him- fuck I want to yell my lungs out and tell him every damn emotion going through me now.. but there was so much it almost felt- numb.. nothing would come out.

And finally I felt myself forming a sentence

"You have done enough of making me wait for you. You know how LONG I waited? 4 hours, 4 damn hours!! And this isn't just one Lloyd! This is every goddamn day!! Every time I set up a date for us you stand me up!" Hurt flashed in his eyes and I ignored the pang in my heart

"You're hurting me by this!! Why? JUST WHY? Am I not enough for you? Do you not want to go out with me!? If I'm not enough, TELL ME LLOYD!! I'll stop wasting my time and energy!!"

Angry tears spilled out my eyes, finally feeling the  anger and climax of the situation. But just as much as I was hurting I failed to see Lloyd's state.

"Y-you are enough Kai.. you don't understand-"

"What Lloyd?! What is it that I don't understand?! Are you cheating on me? Is someone else more important to THE Lloyd garmadon?! FUCKING SAY IT!!"

It was that moment Lloyd broke. He fell to the floor sobbing hard clutching his knees to his chest. He pulled his hair and began to ugly cry.

It was then did my rage finally begin to clear and I felt everything I said. All the pain and regret lacing me around with a giant pang in my heart. Fuck!! WHAT DID I SAY TO HIM?!

I quickly ran to his side hugging him begging to feel his arms around me as well

"Forgive me baby, I'm sorry.. you said you'd give us a shot for me and I fucked up!! I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry!! Do anything- stand me up more hit me please!!"

But nothing seemed to be working. Lloyd pulled his knees closer sobbing harder. My teary eyes make their way to his limbs as I clapped my hand to my mouth, tears ready to roll down.

Wait a minute.. WHAT THE FUCK!!

"L-Lloyd.. say it's not true" I grazed my finger over the area around his arm that was totally covered in bruises

He jolts up yanking his arm away from me, pain enveloping his beautiful green orbs. Lloyd lets out a choked sob looking at the wounds.

Tears start pouring down my face like a hurricane. The scars coming at me like lightning, every single scar. Every burn. Every cut. Every red spot that painted Lloyd's body. The marks and scars he failed to notice.

"Baby.. are you hurting yourself?!" Panic visible in my voice as his face turned cold, tears making kaleidoscopes in his eyes.

He grasps his hair letting out screams and sobbing. I feel fear, guilt. regret, pain, hurt overcoming my body looking at him.

My baby!!

"LLOYD!! LLOYD GOD PLEASE IM SO SORRY!! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!! GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE IM SO SORRY!! WELL WORK IT OUT!" At this point I'm shaking Lloyd when he appears to be in the middle of a panic attack


I didn't know how much time had past since I had been by his side panicking while watching him, tears making waterfalls at this point.

I did this to him..

And when he finally began to stop crying, stop begging for "it" to stop, it felt like I could breathe again. But everything left my body when i tried to look for emotion on his face, failing miserably.

"Can I get some water for you? I promise I won't hurt you again- fuck I'm so sorry Lloyd- what was that? Are you hurting yourself?! What was that!!"

I find myself rambling on and on about if he was okay. Somewhere along the lines there was a point where he got up without saying a single word but a soft but rough sorry.

My whole world crashed and burned at that moment. The moment he shut the door I felt everything overtake me. I felt all the emotion and numbness take over.

I should have been there!!

What were those marks?!

How did I not realize?!

I'm such a dickhead of a boyfriend!!




Sorry if this didn't quiet meet your expectations, I know came for bruise but here I am providing you burned down green flame. Just figured this POV would be important. I said this book would have goals!! So guys, I'm really great full for all the votes and views and follows! But for me, nothing keeps me more motivated than comments, so if you guys could comment on this book that would be amazing!! Thanks guys, sorry for the angst ending, see you all soon!! Take care!!

I Hate That I Love You | A Ninjago Bruiseshipping FanficWhere stories live. Discover now