Chapter 1 | Run!!

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Song recommendations
Zero O'clock- BTS
Hot N cold- Katy Perry

Jays POV

I woke up in a bed, confused on where I was. I look around and recognize the room as it's the place I get pit in a lot.

'The infirmary'

I sigh events of a few hours ago playing back in my mind. I hate hoping things will get better because deep down, now way in a million years will they ever get better. It made my legs ache at the thought of being bullied by him my whole life.

I gritted my teeth at the thought of him

'That stupid brookstone'

Something about his aura was.. frightening.. but me being me, I would NEVER back down from a fight. Evennn if I don't know how to fight. I close my eyes and imagine him. His dark, raven black hair that is overgrown and he tries to push back but it's to long and thick. His smirk plastered across his sweaty hot face. His chocolate brown eyes say something else other than his harsh words. Those eyes.. he could get lost in them..

'Snap out of it jay!'

What the hell was I just doing? I need to get back into my life! That stupid ass doesn't have a chance with me! Yeah, I'm to damn good for that brat and he should know that!

One moment I was daydreaming about him the next im insulting his ass. I. Hate. Him. So. Much! I fumed in anger at the thought of him! See what that- that asshole is doing to me! I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the door open and a certain green bean came in

There came panicked Lloyd rushing over to me as he knew I was awake. His worried face turned into a smile as he knew I was awake. Obviously,he was one of my best friends so he'd know.

"Bitch stop pretending i know you're awake! You can't hide from me I've known you since daycare!" He swatted my face as I laugh softly. But his smile quickly vanishes when he sees my injured body and face.

"That jerk! He beat you up so much!" He caresses my cheek "One day, he'll pay for sure" his other hand palming to a fist.

The nurse walks in the room and gives me some Ice.

"How you feelin dear?" She smacks her gum and scans my bruised face.

"I'm fine!" I lie knowing I'm not. She just shrugs and gives me some ice. Classic nurse move

"I swear you could be dying and they would just give you ice" Lloyd jokes and I chuckle softly.

Soon, the nurse lets me go. I start limping to class but Lloyd grabs my hand

"And where do you think you're going?" He asks knowingly

"To class..?" I answer confused.

"No you're not" he drags my hand back toward the dorms. I pout and question him.

"Look at you! You're so fucked up, it looks like you can't walk!" I sigh knowing he's right "cmon, I have some tea for you anyway" he winks and my face immediately lights up.

"On second thoughts.." I smirk as I let go of his hand "RACE YOU THERE!!" I sprint leaving a surprised Lloyd who comes chasing after me.

"FUCK YOU BITCHHH!!" I laugh at his attempts to catch up. Even though I'm short, Lloyd is shorter meaning his little legs can't keep up! I've always been fast, it's my talent.

"IM GETTING NEARER!!" He runs and I laugh at that lie.

"Sureeee" I say full sarcasm. That's when I finally whip my head back forward and yell


I crash into someone completely. I groan and rub my head in pain.

"Im sorry, i wasn't watching-" my eyes went wide.

"YOU!!" The voice growls. It belongs to none other than Cole Brookstone. I look around the room for an escape but there is none. I ran straight into a corridor and Lloyd was to far behind to see. Screw his small legs!

I try to find words but nothing comes out. I quickly try to run but I'm to slow as he pushes me into the wall and pins my hands above my head. I whimper in fear. Damn, why is this man so much taller than me? Out of all the people I had to run into him!! I mentally facepalm as he smirks

"You don't look to Happy to see me" he says with a devilish grin.

"Why would I be?" I mumble and look away. He pulls me by the chin forcefully to face him.

"Watch your mouth bluebell, I take that your face is bruised and ugly enough, it doesn't have to be more" he growls lowly. I feel a shiver going down my spine at the thought. He advances his face closer to mine and we are less than an inch apart. Ok.. this was different than he normally does.

'What the hell?' I question what's going on. The fact that I was stuck there wasn't helping.

"Jay? JAY!!" Lloyd yells as he sees me "Ok, you did not tell me you had a sugar dad-" he immediately stops talking as he realizes who it is. Cole shoots him a furious glare as Lloyd hides his face.

"Jay, cmon" he whispers to me weakly. I try to wiggle free from his trap but he's too strong. He turns his face back to me but this time his eyes said something different. His eyes looked at my face in pity and worry. he loosens his grip as he puts a finger to my lip rubbing and caressing the spot where the bruise was. I wince in pain forgetting that Lloyd was still in the room. My eyes only focused on him. Nothing else mattered.. it was like time stopped

'Who was this Cole?'

"What have I done" he mumbles thinking I didn't hear. His eyes still focusing on my lips for a while. I was confused, beyond confused. Was this kid bipolar or something?

Soon, those chocolate hazel brown eyes meet mine and he comes to realize what he's doing. He moves back slowly away from me and before I knew it he was gone leaving me dumbstruck and confused, rooted to the spot on the floor.

Sorry if that didn't make sense.. Im really tired right now. Nevertheless I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do you guys think? Maybe Cole is bipolar? Or maybe he has another secret which is the reason to all this mess. Honestly I feel like I don't really write much greenwisp which is why I love their platonic interaction in this book.

Seriously if there's anything you want to tell me or comments feel free to say! Or if I made any mistakes in this state 😅 I apologize. I love you guys so much and keep slaying 😉

Word count- 1100

I Hate That I Love You | A Ninjago Bruiseshipping FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora