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Song recommendation(s)-
The weekend whip- the fold 😎
10 things I hate about you - Leah Kate

Airpods in his ears, bored expression written on his face as he scanned the room music blaring in his ears it's not like this this lesson mattered to him.

He looks over and sees his best friend and his only friend, Kai Smith staring the fuck out of his roommates head a smirk plastered on his face. Kai wasn't one for crushes and he didn't think Kai would have a crush on someone like his roommate Lloyd Garmadon. Lloyd was a.. quiet kid. He didn't speak unless spoken to. He didn't care for one.

If only it was that easy

He found his roommate interesting but he didn't really speak to him nor were they friends. He rolled his eyes at his best friends simping self. Cole didn't believe in love at first sight, no it's not something TO believe.

His eyes moved to the other side of the room to see Nya smith, whom he didn't know that well all he knew was that she was Kai's sister. And beside her was Zane something. He didn't even care enough to know the kids last name.

His eyes moved to someone he did know pretty damn well.

Jay Walker

Jay Walker was the kid he bullied and the toughest kid he'd ever bullied. Jay was a tough, stubborn kid who is not to be messed with. But Cole would always teach him a lesson. He found jay annoying and a stubborn brat and hated him more than his other victims. That's why he would prioritize on jay. Jay was just trying to focus and take notes. He was rushing because he was far behind.

Cole swore the kid had ADHD or something.

That's when the bell rung and finally he could leave the class. He was planning to just skip today.

"What's the harm in that?"

That's when Kai approaches him

"Hey bro, see that kid?" He points to coles roommate

"Yeah he's my roommate, Lloyd?" He says smirking

"I'm gonna get his number" Kai flips his imaginary hair

"He's gonna reject you.." he says being brutally honest

"Psh bullshit! Nobody can resist THE KAII!" He says cockily as he runs a finger through his hair. Cole rolls his eyes at the boys cocky self

"Whatever man" Cole ruffles his hair and leaves

"ASSHOLE!!" Kai yells fixing his messed up hair as Cole chuckles

That's when he sees his target walking right in front of him. His chocolate brown hair being blown by the breeze. Cole ran up and stood in front of him blocking his way

"What do you want Cole!" Jay says annoyed as it is

"Aww what happened? Baby ZapTrap couldn't keep his dumb mouth shut and fell behind on his dumbass lesson?" Cole mocks him as jay rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Don't call me that! Now move! I need to get to art!" He says trying to push the muscle man off but he knew Cole was much, much stronger than him.

"Hey" Cole growls "That's NO way to speak to me you piece of shit" the older pulls the youngers shirt collar closer to him as he smirks at the short boy he had in the palm of his hands. Cole shoves jay back as he crashes into the wall.

"Damnit!" Jay curses as Cole approaches him

"Get on your knees dipshit" Cole orders

"What do you want me to suck your dick too? Like you have the whole fucking school wrapped around your fingers MR. DUMBASS! You think just because your strong, and popular you think you can mess with me like this? Well youve gotta know your worth, and my great grandmas cousins sisters aunts wife's dad who is dead is worth more than you bitch!" Jay shouts in his face pushing him away as Cole is standing there fuming.

"What did you say to me you no good whore?" Cole says delivering a punch to his stomach as jay groans in pain.

"The truth" jay smirks as Cole punches him in the face as blood comes out his lips. He knew jay, and this was normal. He wasn't going to give in so easily.

"You think I'm gonna be like all your other victims and surrender? Wow you get dumber each day" he laughs as Cole continues to punch and kick him. Jay never gave in and kept insulting him but the beatings got worse. They were everywhere  and Cole didn't stop until his fists go numb. And by the time he's done, jay is passed out in the floor from all the blood and bruises delivered to him.

Cole smirks in victory as he kicks jay once again

"You are nothing, stop trying to fight against me and surrender" he says. Jay can only manage a moan with all the strength he has left as Cole leaves laughing.

'He won't ever learn' Cole looks back at him and smiles. Little did he know he was feeling a little more than triumphant.

It's like he had this feeling in his stomach. It was not a good feeling. Like.. regret and pity. He shook those thoughts and super gross feelings away. I mean who would ever pity the annoying motormouth? Cole shrugs it off as he hears panic behind him.

"Zane!! I don't know who the hell you are but Get him to the infirmary, this is bad!!" His weird roommate shrieks at the sight of his friend on the floor passed out. Now Cole had to listen to his best friend rant about how he'd been rejected

"COLE I GOT HIS NUMBER!!!" Kai yells running to him

Orrrr , he would hear Kai fangirling over Lloyd Garmadon, and how he won him over and how their gonna get married and everything.

"It's gonna be a long day"

Did ya like?? I'm liking ittt!! Tell me what you guys think because this took so. Long. To. Write!!! Can't say I didn't enjoy it tho 😉 also this is just the prologue, the normal chapters will be in 1st POV. Cole better not hurt jay when they're parents 😉 jk there's no Mpreg in this story but these are going to be about this long chapters decent? Thoughts and everything 👇🏽 👇🏽 Love you guysss!!

I Hate That I Love You | A Ninjago Bruiseshipping FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora