30. Impatient

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Loving yous a little bit hard sometimes / Bruce Banner out now!

"You lost the privileges you gained for a milisecond of walking me down the aisle when you got rid of my real father-"

"I AM YOUR REAL FATHER!" Daemon demanded.

"No." Daelia corrected flattening her dress down. "Criston will walk me down the aisle. He is the only man in my life that has always been there for me." And it would be nice to have him be part of the ceremony, then she could pretend she was marrying Criston too. Criston smiled stepping forward.

"Unbelievable! Crispin? Daelia-"

"Go away Daemon." Daelia hissed. "I have survived this long without a father, I dont want you."

"You are mine."

"Then work for it."


"Don't just say you're going to be a good father. Be a good father and put in the work." Daelia commanded. "Like my father did."


"Went riding with me. Had tea parties with me when i was little. Made the bad dreams go away and embarrassed me in front of cute boys. He did all the things and more..."

"I killed her for you."

"Thats a great start." Daelia agreed.  "Now try and stay in my good graces. Give me space daemon. Im heir to the iron throne remember?" Daelia smirked and daemon saw so much likeness in them. "I can make your life very good or very hellish."

"Understood... my princess." Daemona agreed kissing her forehead. "We will work good together. You will see." Daemon added.

Daelia ran off. It was her wedding week and so much was so to be done. Alicent was in a flurry of happiness. Daelia and her precious aemond were getting married.

"Oh daelia, you look stunning. You would have made your teary eyed to see you like this. All dolled up. A real woman you have become." Alicent declared framing daelias silver hair around her face in delicate waves.

"I miss him. I wish he was here..." daelia agreed. "He better be teary eyed too." She added. "This took a lot of work. Aemond better be teary eyed too!" Daelia decided. "Hell everyone! I want no dry eyes when they sight their sights on me and my beauty!" Daelia was beautiful and she knew it.

"Im sure the room will be in complete awe of you, Daelia." Alicent agreed fixing the little sparkling hair piece in daelias hair.

"I really look okay? It has to be perfect." Daelia added nervously. "I have to be perfect. This is the first day of the rest of my life."

"I know my wedding was scary but you love aemond so much... so you have nothing to be worried about. Everything will be perfect." Alicent assured.

And it was. Criston offered her his arm kissing the corner of her lips.

"Im marrying you today too." Daelia whispered.

"Im fine with being your body guard." Criston purred.

"Protect my body often with regular body checks." She agreed.

"I love you gorgeous, lets get you married."

Daeron beamed back at daelia as she passed. Sayibg she looked like a fairy tale princess. Corlys wished laenor was alive to see this. Criston begrudgingly released daelia at the end of the aisle aemond was quick to hold her hands and breathe her in. It was time. The first day if the rest of his life.

"Hen lantoti ānogar  (Blood of two)" The septon began. "Va sȳndroti vāedroma (Joined as one)" Their hands were cut, their lips as well, tracing their blood on each others forehead. Bloody palms waiting for unity.

One hand of each of them was tied together binding the blood, then they drank from the goblet staring into each others eyes. Criston stared back at daelia his love for her only grew as she said those words he didn't understand to another man because in his mind she was vowing to himself instead.

"Mēro perzot gīhoti (Ghostly flame) Elēdroma iārza sīr (And song of shadows) Izulī ampā perzī (Two hearts as embers) Prūmī lanti sēteksi (Forged in fourteen fires)" The septon went on, they couldnt hide their smiles. Aemond had been wanting this forever he couldn't wait to call daelia his. Officially. With their outfits pure white on the top, with a golden inlay, bleeding down to an ombre green and blue, the end of her gown the darkest deepest of velaryon ocean blues.

"Hen jenȳ māzīlarion (A future promised in glass) Qēlossa ozūndesi (The stars stand witness) Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo (The vow spoken through time) Rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi (Of darkness and light)"

"I understand that the princess Daelia had her own vows prepared."

"You do?" Aemond questioned "my mind is suddenly going blank. I had so much I wanted to stay. But-"

"Aemond. Let me say it all. I think as my teacher you will be impressed." She added. Armond leaned in curiously.

"Okay." Aemond whispered breathing the same breath as his beautiful wife.

"Drakari pykiros  Tikumma jemiros Yn lantys bartossa Saelot vaedis  Hen nuha eleni Perzyssy vestretis Se gelyn irudaks Perzyro udryssi Eximptos laehossi  Aot vaedan Hae merot gieruli Prumysa sovili Gevi daeri... yours." daelia declared.

Fire breather, winged leader, but two heads to a third sing. From my voice The fires have spoken and the price has been paid with words of flame with clear eyes to you I sing as one we gather  we shall fly as we were destined and beautifully freely... yours."

"Drakari pykiros  Tikumma jemiros"  aemond repeated. Fire breather, winged leader, "yours." With that they sealed it with a kiss.

"Yes.. yes," the septon agreed. "I forget how impatient these youngsters are." He mused. ''Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim...  prince aemond of House targaryen and princess daelia of House velaryon and heir to the iron throne, to be man and wife. One flesh... one heart... one soul... now and forever.''

Daelias gaze shifted ever so slightly to criston before she locked eyes on aemond kissing him fiercely. Her husband.

"Lets party!"


"I think a bedding is in order. I would love a front row seat." Aegon remarked as the night progressed. Daelia was not ready for the night to end but she also knew that her night with aemond was also just beginning. Aemond growled back at his elder brother however. "She is the heir now after all."

"No." Aemond corrected. He wanted their first time to be perfect and that didnt include a crowd watching them. Especially not aegon watching.

"That party's not over is it?" Everyone turned to the voice, it was like hearing a ghost. "I'm sorry I'm late."


Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now