19. Kiss

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"Happy name day Princess". Criston said when she opened her door.

"Thank you. Im ten and three today." Daelia reminded him.

"That you are". Criston agreed

"And you know what I want for my name day?" Daelia pondered leaning in.

"What?" Criston questioned. 

"It's what I have wanted for every name day for as long as I can remember." Daelia added. 

"Whats that?"  Criston questioned again. 

"You." Daelia answered as though it was that simple.


"Aegon was to be married by ten and four, Helaena was barely ten and two. he had been having sex before then, well he claims it at least but still." Daelia added. "It is so wrong that I want you?''

"Daelia," Criston countered but she grabbed his hand and sat him on her bed.

"You know I've loved you forever." Daelia remarked. Yes he did know that. Being with Daelia as her guard spending even more time with her and then as she grew into beautiful young lady, he adored her. 

"I'm quite a bit older than you." Criston reminded her

"Not that much." Daelia offered knowing that was a lie. But she didnt care. "I dont see why it has to be different for girls. Aegon does as he likes fucks who he wants well I want you. And only you is that not more noble honorable then wanting every boy that looks my way? I just want you!"

"Daelia you have all the time in the world for love." Criston reminded her

"But I want you. Its the only thing I want for my name day". Daelia countered stepping forward to stand between his legs. "I have only ever wanted you... I want you. Its more than just a want, its a need! Criston I need you!" She begged. 

"A need huh?"

"Yes." Daelia breathed back leaning into him. He stared into those violet eyes as she kissed him. She kept kissing him until his hands moved from his lap to her hips keeping her to him.

She felt a wave of happiness wash over her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her lips didnt leave his as he lifted her up to him. Her dress bunching around her thighs as her knee sunk into the bed she felt his heart pounding against his chest and she pressed her body flushed to his.

There was a knock at the door but he didnt loosen his grip only pulled his lips back from hers. Her eyes fluttered open as she stared back at him.

"I wont say anything," Daelia whispered kissing him again. "I would scream it from the rooftops however," She assured. "But I wont." criston kissed her cheek gently. "But know that I want more."

What had criston done... he watched her go to the door as she tried to control the flush of her cheeks.

"Hello ser Barnes." Daelia answered and Criston stood up moving cautiously to the door behind her.

"Princess happy name day."

"Thank you." Daelia answered politely even though she was very annoyed he interrupted her kiss with criston.

"There was a parcel delivered from... your step father." Barnes remarked.

"Where is it?" Daelia countered. 

"He wanted to deliver it personally." Barnes countered moving out of the way. Daemon smirked stepping forward. 

"Hello Daelia, you miss me?" Daemon purred. 

"Not even a little bit." Daelia countered, Daemon's lips pursed. 

"Well lucky for you-"

"You didnt bring my no good mother?" Daelia urged. 

"I left her at dragonstone." Daemon agreed. 

"Well that is lucky.' Daelia sassed. 

Daemon was trying to wear her down but it was hard. Daelia was a hard nut to crack. She narrowed her eyes back at him. She finally got to kiss Criston and this idiot came ruining everything. She didnt realize useless stepfathers had a sixth sense like Laenor had when she was getting closer to Criston. 

"Well?" Daelia sassed. 

"What?" Daemon questioned. 

"Where is my gift?" 

"Outside." Daemon answered. "What is Crispin doing in your chambers?" 

"None of your business old man." Daelia countered. 

"You need to show some respect." Daemon countered. 

"I have respect, for those that earned it." Daelia countered. 

"And what have I done to earn this instead?" Daemon pondered. 

"You married my mother while my fathers body was still warm." Daelia answered. 

Rhaenyra had convinced Daemon that if they got rid of Laenor that Daelia would see Daemon as a father figure but instead, it only pushed them apart more because Daelia loved Laenor. Daemon grit his teeth glancing back at Criston's smug face. 

"Outside, young lady." Daemon demanded. 

"I dont take orders from some has been prince, crown coveting wannabe." Daelia corrected she took a step back to slam the door but Daemon stopped her. 

Yes, definitely his daughter. 

"Daelia, please, its your name day, I just wanted to-"

"My own mother didnt come for a name day you are a stranger to me, why would I care that you made the effort to come and make the day about you?" Daelia demanded. "You are just like her." She decided, Daemon let his hand fall from the door as she crossed her arms over her chest. "No wonder you two wed." 

"What does that mean?" Daemon questioned. 

"You and my mother. You two are so similar she had to make everything about her, she never liked anyone that she couldnt fuck into submission." Daelia added. 

"Thats your mother." Daemon warned. 

"No, she hasnt treated me like a daughter since the moment I was born, probably before that." Daelia remarked. "She left me. I broke down sobbing over my fathers death and she didnt care. She married you instead as if she killed him to marry you-"

"There was a witness and he says otherwise.' Daemon countered. 

"Yeah." Daelia chuckled. "A witness. Everyone has a price." 

"And what is yours?" Daemon questioned stepping closer. Criston took a protective step in front of Daelia blocking Daemon from doing something stupid.  Daemon scoffed his hand going to the hilt of his sword, he was ready for a fight. 

"You know what I want?" Daelia pulled Criston back. "I want you to stop bothering me." 

"I'm your father, I want to be in your life."

"Step father. YOu are a great uncle but honestly you are not all that great." Daelia assured. "If you will excuse us we were planning my name day celebrations." 

Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond Targaryenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें