8. Bad Influence

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"I dont think its a good idea for you to be hanging around Alicent."

"My grandmother." Daelia countered.

"She is a bad influence on you." Rhaenyra agreed.

"She loves me." Daelia countered. "Unlike someone i know." She mumbled under her breath.

''And he sees a big, scary dragon! Mother... look. We chose an egg for the baby.'' Luke declared as they came running in.

"Did you get lost?" Daelia questioned.

"We ran into Ser Harwin in the hall, I was showing him our egg." Luke held it up proudly.

''Ahh. That looks like the perfect one.'' Rhaenyra agreed looking down at her two strong and handsome boys.

''Daelia helped." Luke agreed.

"Dann right I did." Daelia agreed. "They are hopeless without me!"

"Am not." Jace objected quickly. Daelia leaned back into Laenor, his dark skin quite the contrast to her pale but Daelia didnt seem to notice or care. Considering Laenor was the only black man it seemed in the capital, she thought him and his father were the only ones for a lone time.

''Another boy, I heard. What a fine knight you are going to make, eh? Might I?'' Harwin questioned looking to the babe.

"What are you doing here?" Daelia sassed.

"Daelia." Rhaenyra scolded. ''Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffrey.''

Laenor looked to Harwin's deep black hair, much like his childrens hair, he hesitated before passing him off. Laenor looked to Daelia, his perfect, sassy Daelia and touched her cheek. His girl.

''Joffrey, is it?'' Harwin questioned.

''Mm-hm. Mm.'' Rhaenyra agreed bitterly.

"I like the name." Daelia added.

''Father, please may I hold Joffrey?'' Luke questioned.

''No, no. No. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Back to the Dragon pit for you three.'' Laenor remarked.

'Come on!' Luke begged.

"Later you can throw him from the window and I will catch him from the courtyard." Daelia mused, a smile spread across lukes face.


"Thanks, Daelia." Laenor murmured nudging her to the door. ''Before they send out a search party.'' Laenor told them leading them out. Daelia turned back, her smile falling as she watched the way her mother stared at Harwin Strong. The way Harwin looked at little Joffrey.

''You're asleep in front of the Commander of the City Watch." Harwin teased down to Joffrey ''Terrible lack of respect.''

''A certain insolence runs in the family, I'm afraid.'' Rhaenyra added, she didnt noticed Daelia in the doorway until she head the door slam.

"Daelia? Daelia, sweetheart? You alright?"

Just the person daelia always wanted to see.

"I'm fine." Daelia assured turning to Criston, he had a way of brightening her day with just that handsome smile.

"Are you supposed to be in the pits Daelia?" Criston pondered.

"Yeah... walk with me." Daelia agreed leaning into him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked. "Harwin Strong was with my mother... alone."

"She just had a baby, I dont think they are doing anything like you are implying." Criston countered.

"Criston... you dont like Ser Harwin."

"I dont hear a question." Criston agreed. Daelia leaned into him.


"Why dont you like him?" Criston countered, Daelia shrugged.

"He loved my brothers more than me when I was little and I was confused." Daelia offered. "Why him and my mother and my brothers had this relationship that I couldnt have with them."

"Oh Daelia," Criston turned to face her.

"I dont care anymore," She added quickly and he knew it was a half lie. "I have you." She assured, it was more than enough. "But... I saw how he was looking at the baby, how my mother so easily dismisses my father. She... she just... I dont..." she grumbled out.

"Talk to me." Criston requested.

"My mother acts like she doesnt like when father is gone but she pushes him away constantly when he is here. Thats why he goes to fight in the wars all the time, she makes him leave, she acts like she doesnt but she hates having him here because him being here reminds her and everyone of who our father is and how much we just dont look like him... or at least my brothers dont." Daelia declared. "She is going to push him away again and I just got him back." Daelia whimpered. "I dont him to go."

"Tell your father this. He will listen to you. He loves you." Criston assured reaching out and stroking hair from her face.

"What if it doesnt matter? What if mother has pushed him too far?" Daelia questioned.

"I dont have a good answer for you, darling." Criston admitted. "But talk to him anyways, it can't hurt to get your feelings out in the open."

"Feelings out in the open you say?"

"Yes." He agreed.

"Criston I lo-"

"You should be getting to your lessons." Criston realized cutting her off, still stroking her cheek. She nodded into him.

Love you.

Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now