27. Stay, Stay, Stay

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"Nooo!" Daelia whined reaching out for Criston.

"I have to go". Criston reminded her. "I cant be seen in here."

"I dont care". Daelia countered propping herself up on her elbows. "Stay."

"Daelia I cant. You are going to get me in trouble."

"You weren't complaining last night. Or the night before or the-" Daelia began and he moved back at the bed kissing her into silence. "Stay" she whispered wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I would stay in bed all day with you if I could." Criston assured kissing down her neck.

"Then stay!" Daelia begged. "Ill make it worth your while," she purred as his eyes met hers. "Stay." She repeated. "A little longer... please. Dont make me sad". Daelia begged putting on her best pout.

Alicent and Joffrey the knight of kisses thought Rhaenyra had slept with criston all those years ago. This was always a falsehood.

Criston didnt know why his name and his honor was being questioned but he snapped at Joffrey all the same and now 16 years later he sullied his white cloaks time and time again and found himself more often than not in the princess Daelia Velaryons chambers.

"I have to go." Criston whispered pulling back. Daelia grumbled. But she always did when he left. All he had to do with a Man Up and ask her out. Ask her for hand in marriage, and all of the secrecy could just go away.

"Love you." Daelia called after him.

"I love you." Criston agreed.

"I love you."

"Love you too." Daelia assured aemond. And she did. Honest she did. Yes she could fuck criston ruthlessly and still want aemond to hold her. She wanted the best of both worlds.

Women could have it all. Daelia was going to be the leader in female empowerment starting with pleasure.

Daelia wanted hand holding in the park and rough fucking in thr dark. Was that so wrong?

Looking at aemond her handsome and charming aemond holding her hand as they walked to lessons she didnt think her attraction to them both was a bad thing. She had a type. Strong and powerful men that loved to please her.


"Are those new shoes?"

"Yes. You like?" Daelia agreed sticking out a foot.

"Sexy... you want to go for a ride in those?"

"I want to fly with you." Daelia corrected.

"Lessons first. I have to be a goid role model." Aemond corrected.

They didnt make it to lessons. Daeron found them first.

"You are totally cheating." Daelia whispered as aemond kissed her cheek she flipped her cards down as his arms wrapped snugly around her

"You want to peek at my cards? It wont do you any good." Aemond assured. He shuffled through his three remaining cards.

"Im gonna cream you both!" Daeron declared. "Look at all these cards!"

"You have 12 cards. Its not who gets the most cards Daer." Daelia reminded him.

"Well shit." Daeron grumbled. "What game are we playing then?" Daelia laughed out dropping her cards as she leaned back into aemond. She could picture their life. Growing old together. Playing cards with their future kids. dorky uncle Daeron would be their favorite and if they had a daughter aegon would need to be put on a leash.

"Lets start again, go fish this time! No, uno! One card left, that game!" 

"You want no cards." Aemond reminded him. 

"What's a game where you collect cards?" Daeron countered. 

"Poker?" Daelia questioned glancing back at Aemond. 

"As if I'm the professional card player here." Aemond laughed out. Everything was so easy with aemond. He made her laugh so easily, smile so easily. 

"Why not? You beat us both two games in a row." Daelia reminded him.   

"I think it's Daeron's bed time." Aemond decided. 

"What?" Dareon shouted throwing his cards down.  "I dont have a bed time." 

"Well, I need to make out with Daelia so I think we are done playing."  Aemond corrected kissing along Daelia's neck. 

"One more game! Daelia please!" Daeron begged. 

"One more." Daelia agreed. "THen," She turned back to Aemond. "I'm all yours." 

"I like the sound of that." 

As adrenaline pumps through his blood and his heartbeat picked up, her small hands land on his shoulders and rub soothing circles. A satisfied groan rumbles through him. his hands found the small of her back, and he rested his forehead against her chest. She's so warm and comforting. It took a moment to notice that her arms had wrapped around him, and her head was resting on top of his. 

Aemond couldnt get enough of her and that final card game couldnt have gone any slower. WHen they finally got back to Daelia's room Aemond was ready to explode. 

He tilted his head up and catch her bottom lip between his teeth. He pulled back slightly at her whimper before letting her go. Her half-hooded eyes stare back with a spark of lust. 

His girl liked it rough. Her thighs clench in between his legs. He wanted to fuck into that hot, tight cunt so fucking much. His cock roars back to life as her eyes stared into his, waiting for him to take her.

 "You want me?" Aemond breathed back. Her fingers touch her lips and her eyes stared back at him as she slowly nodded her head once.

"But I know we should wait." Daelia assured. "Just being with you today, being with Daeron made me think of our future, and children and..." Daelia smiled to herself fisting his shirt, pulling him closer to her, chest to chest. "Today just made me really happy." 

"Me too." 

"Plus I conned you out of studying." Daelia offered. 

"We can work on your tongue placement for Valyrian tomorrow." Aemond assured. 

"I know where my tongue wants to go." Daelia corrected. "You let me know if this feels right." 

His mouth crashed down to hers, and he surrendered to the combustible cocktail of frustration, lust, drowning them both. She moaned into his mouth, opening fully beneath him and inviting him to plunder her sweet depths. But this wasn't a surrender. It was challenge for control, and the last threads tying him to where he was began to unravel. 

When her legs circled his waist and locked him into place. Nothing else mattered. Leaning into her, he moved his hands across her dress to grasp her hips and pull her even closer, eliciting a soft mewl of pleasure. Abandoning her mouth, his lips traced across her arched neck, licking his way down her throbbing pulse until he stopped at the spot where her neck met her shoulder.

Drunk on the taste of her skin, he paused to inhale the rich, sensual scent of her perfume as her pulse fluttered against her throat. He slipped his fingers beneath the hem of her dress, raising the soft material until he had to relinquish the taste of her creamy skin so he could pull her strip her down.

With the tip of his finger, he traced down across her collarbone and over the upper swells of her breasts, a wave of goose bumps following in his finger's wake. When his finger disappeared into the deep valley of her cleavage she closed her eyes and dropped her head back, her hair cascading down. she wanted him wholeheartedly.

Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond TargaryenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang