10. Command You

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Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera Targaryen
''Soften your knees. Feet light.'' Criston remarked as the young princes were training together in the courtyard, Daelia was watching Criston, she was always watching Criston. Aegon shifted from foot to foot, grabbing at his crotch.

"What's your problem?" Aemond questioned.

"I..." Aegon glanced to Daelia. "Got a rash." he decided, she smirked back at him.

''Don't stand too upright, my Prince. You'll get knocked down.'' Criston warned and Aegon let out a grunt of distaste. ''Aegon.'' Criston began.

"Hi Daels." Daeron said running up to her.

"Hi you gonna train today?" Daelia questioned kissing his cheek.


"Why not?" Daelia questioned.

"I dont want to get my ass whipped."

''I've won my first bout, Ser Criston. My opponent sues for mercy.'' Aegon said pompously. Daelia was going to go for a ride, but then Criston suggested sparing and she loved to watch him train, even if it was just against Aegon and Aemond.

''Well, you'll have a new opponent then, My Lord of the Straw. Let's see if you can touch me. You and your brother.'' Criston offered and Aegon and Aemond stepped forward, sparring swords lunging at criston but he was skilled warrior. The princes were yelling and grunting as they lunged and failed to knock criston down. Daelia clapped out which only made Aemond try harder but it was Criston she was cheering for.

''You're gonna have to do better than that.'' Criston said smugly. His gaze shifted to Daelia, he would like to say it was because he was her guard but it wasnt just that, he liked that she watched him. Alicent was right, Daelia wouldnt be eleven forever she would grow up, she would be 12 soon enough and a woman after that and Criston liked her attention.

"I see a winner!" Daelia declared her heels kicking against the crate she was sitting on.

"Well maybe if I didnt... have this rash." Aegon hissed giving another yank at his pants.

"Maybe you shouldnt be digging into shady shifty places that you really shouldnt be because it might hurt someone and instead you get hurt too." Daelia shouted back. Aemond stared back at her before looking at Aegon.

"What did she do?" Aemond whispered.

"It's a fucking rash!" Aegon demanded.

''It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention... Ser Criston.'' Harwin remarked and Criston turned to him stiffly.

''You question my method of instruction, ser?'' Criston asked calmly.

"Criston is in charge, back off." Daelia agreed.

"I'm commander." Harwin countered.

"Then commander elsewhere." Daelia sassed.

''Oh, I merely suggest that method be applied to all your pupils'' Harwin suggested nodding to Jace and Luke. "Your brothers, Princess." Harwin added.

''Very well. Jacaerys... come here.'' Criston agreed ''You spar with Aegon.'' Aegon chuckled seeing his younger nephew step forward nervously. ''Eldest son against eldest son.''

''It's hardly a fair match.'' Harwin remarked.

"Jace will do great, Aegon is nursing his rash." Daelia assured.

"Bite me." Aegon snapped back.

"Where?" Daelia snapped her teeth at him wickedly. Aegon took a nervous step back.

Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now