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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter eighteen

"Beau's already in the house packing his things." Edward whispered in my ear. "Edythe is in her car down the street waiting for him." He pressed his forehead against mine and we both closed our eyes to process what was about to happen.

I texted my brother to pretend like he wanted to go back home to mom and to start packing his clothes. Edward and I agreed that we would stage a breakup in front of my father to gather some tension. Then I would have to try and leave Charlie.

The idea already pulled the strings on my heart and I felt easily nauseous at the idea of leaving Charlie. But Edward reassured that it wouldn't be forever.

I stormed into the house after three minutes of mentally preparing myself. Edward was on the other side of the door frame, begging me to stay like we had planned.

"Aspen, don't do this, please."

"I said no Edward, get out!" I dramatically slammed the door in his face, wincing at my own action but it was enough to get my dad's attention who was already upstairs trying to talk to Beau. "Aspen? Are you okay?"

I started running up the stairs and stormed past him. "N-No," I stuttered out of breath. "I have to go. I'm leaving, dad."

"Leaving? Wait, with Beau?"

I quickly went into my room and slammed the door shut. Edward was already here putting clothes into a duffle bag for me. "Did something happen? Did he hurt you?" I heard Charlie's voice muffle from the other side of the door.

I exited my bedroom and closed the door behind me so he wouldn't see Edward. I went into the bathroom and started collecting normal hygiene products and tossed them into a small makeup bag. "No, I broke up with him." I insisted. "That's why I have to go — I can't be here."

I went back into my room and threw the makeup bag into the duffle bag Edward had prepared for me. My door swung open then slammed shut, Edward and I spun around assuming Charlie charged into the room but I sighed in relief when I realized it was just Beau.

He had his own bag in his grasp and he pushed the both of us further back into the corner of my room. "Pen, what do I say? What should I do?"

"He needs to be able to let you leave," Edward muttered so Charlie wouldn't leave.

"I can't hurt him," Beau denied by shaking his head. Edward lowered his head and released a small sigh. "You have to. I'll wait for you outside." His eyes met mine for that last part and I almost begged him to stay so I wouldn't be left alone.

He was out the window within seconds and Charlie was still waiting outside the door while Beau and I stared at each other anxiously. "Okay," I exhaled heavily. "J-just tell dad you're ready to go home and that you're done with Forks. He — I think he'll understand better with you."

Beau nodded his head knowingly but didn't bother to try and hide his frown. "But you?"

I knew I would have to break his heart. I would have to hurt him in a vulnerable way so he could let me go — it was going to save his life in the end. If we're lucky enough then James would leave Charlie alone and focus on hunting me.

Beaut suddenly pulled me into a tight hug and I let him by wrapping my own around him extra tight. He was warm and comforting — he smelt like hot chocolate and fern from outside. He always smelt like home and that's why we were always close.

"I'll wait for you at the Cullens house. I'll be there when you pull up – I swear it, Aspen."

I knew he was telling the truth but the longer we stood here, the worse it would be for dad and I didn't want him to suffer any longer. I pulled away from his tight embrace and nodded my head once.

LOVE AND DEATH, edward cullenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora