thirty two

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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter thirty two

I stood outside the very obvious packed theater while I waited for the boys to arrive. Everyone around me was dressed up for a late Saturday night date — a group of girls passed by me while giggling to one another about something one of them said.

I felt completely out of my element and maybe even a little uncomfortable over the fact I was seeing a movie with not one but two guys.

There was no way in hell I was ever going to mention this to Charlie.

"Hey, Pen!" Embry called out from the back of a moving crowd headed towards me.

Kai was at his side of course — part of me wished he was actually joking about this entire get together and stayed home. He looked like he didn't even want to be here but when I met his gaze, something in him snapped into place.

I quickly looked away and greeted Embry with a happy smile. Although it had only been a few hours since we last saw each other, it always felt good knowing how unbelievably comfortable I was around him.

"You're late," I jokingly stated once the boys managed to make their way to me. "Previews are just about over and I was hoping to get a glimpse of the next coming movies for this year."

"I'll google it if it means that much to you." Kai sarcastically responded.

I rolled my eyes but then clicked my tongue as I led the three of us into the theater. Embry got me a small popcorn and a soda, but he decided against getting himself anything. Other than Kai who purposefully sought out a pack of Twizzlers.

We were waiting for him by the theater doors while he paid for the candy, the same group of girls that walked past me outside gawking at him and giggling from behind.

I wasn't completely blind — Kai was attractive, whatever, but the fact he was eating up the attention he was getting from the opposite gender actually pissed me off. He was possibly the biggest conceited guy I've ever met.

Before the movie I decided to make the choice and sit between both of them after they silently argued about who gets to sit where for the best visuals. I immediately shut them up like a scolding mother and told them to either sit beside me or walk home. Once they finally closed their mouths and the movie started, I was able to eat my popcorn in peace and get a better grasp on the plot of the film.

There wasnt much to it honestly. The president did get kidnapped by a group of men trying to take over the white house but the same group of bad guys ended up being the ones to try and fix everything they've done. As much as it interested me in the beginning, I easily predicted almost everything that was going to happen and now I was completely bored of the film before it could get half way.

I glanced out the corner of my eye towards Embry. He was completely in a trance over the film, very slowly picking at the popcorn piece by piece so he didn't miss any of the action.

On my left Kai was leaning on his right elbow, his arm brushed up against mine and the pack of twizzlers already halfway gone sitting on his lap.

The longer I sat here and tried to finish the movie, the more bored I began to feel. But my obvious lack of enthusiasm must've triggered something between us because all of a sudden Embry was getting out of his seat and trying to rush past us.

LOVE AND DEATH, edward cullenWhere stories live. Discover now