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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter seventeen

I was officially facing the day I would be in distress over introducing a boy to my father. Beau was mostly easier for Charlie — it's always the son's that never had any trouble introducing their current love interest to the parents.

I stood next to the stairs and anxiously stared at the back of Charlie's head, which I'm sure he started to feel the burn because he turned around in the chair at the dining room table. "What's up, Pen?"

I stood straight up and folded my hands together, locking my fingers as I walked toward him in the other room. He was currently cleaning his guns that were displayed over the dinner table. "So — I have a date with Edward Cullen."

His eyes thinned as they narrowed at me. "I thought you weren't interested in any of the boys in town."

"I wasn't," I corrected with a blush. "But Edward doesn't live in town and we're taking it slow. Besides — I thought you liked the Cullens."

"I do." He nodded.

I held my breath as Charlie went back to wiping down his gun with a soft clean rag. I narrowed my eyes at him roughly – he was obviously trying to ignore the topic at hand so I blurted. "He's outside right now."

Charlie paused his movements again. "He is?"

I nodded eagerly. "He wants to meet you. Officially."

"Good." He leaned back in the chair and cocked the rifle so fast I nearly flinched backwards and nervously shook my head. "Be nice — okay? He's kind of important to me."

"I thought you said you were going steady?"

"Dad!" I hissed under my breath.

He held his hands up in defense and I quickly walked away to let Edward in through the front door. He was wearing a thick blue bomber jacket and reached over to give my hand a reassuring squeeze with a smirk. My eyelids fluttered as I tried to suppress my eyes from rolling.

"Chief Swan. I wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward." Edward extended his hand out to Charlie and my dad -– thankfully — shook it but with the obvious force to show that thing males do with domination.

"Hello, Edward." My father responded almost in a mocking tone.

"I won't keep Aspen out late tonight. We're just going to go play baseball with my family." Edward explained while I remained attached to his side, ready to jump at his defense incase Charlie tried to put on a show.

"Yeah, I heard about that." He leaned back in the chair and followed his arms across his chest firmly. "Aspen isn't really the type — " I widened my eyes at Charlie, sending him a quick glare of a warning in silence. He wanted to laugh but held back his grin with a shrug from his shoulders. "Well, more power to you, I guess."

I exhaled gently in relief. Edward lowered his eyes at my father, truth and reassurance lingering in his voice as he spoke. "She'll be safe with me, sir, I promise." I looked up at Edward and flashed him a quick smile before he turned himself away to exit the house.

I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck and waved at my father goodbye until he whistled in my direction. "You got that pepper spray?" He tried to whisper.

I gritted my teeth. "Dad."

We shared one last final look of agreement before I grabbed my winter jacket and walked out the front door where Edward was waiting for me.

"Your father thinks you should go to an all-girl's school." Edward laughed.

"Hey, no fair reading Charlie's mind." We stopped in front of Emmett's Jeep and he pulled out a baseball cap, gently putting it over my unbrushed hair. "So since when do vampires like baseball? I've never read this in a story before."

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