Chapter 25: I'm a Clone but not Your Clone

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"I don't want to leave without saying goodbye to everyone, first. This is my first mission after all."

"I'll call everyone to let them know. Even if Clockwork hadn't told you to do so, we wouldn't let you go on your first mission without saying goodbye first anyway." Jazz wrapped Dani in a side hug.

Dani returned the hug before turning to grab the letter off the couch. "I'm gonna go for a quick flight. There are some things I need to think about before I start packing and saying my goodbyes."

"Be safe and make sure to take an extra Fenton thermos."

Dani transformed and gave the older girl a small smile. "Don't worry, Jazz. I'm always prepared. I'll be back soon!" She waved before going intangible and flying through the front door.

There wasn't much of a destination in mind at the moment. Just a peaceful flight around town, and maybe a little past it and into the forest. Yeah the forest seemed like a better place to be alone at the moment. Dani would always go there when she needed to think. She was even in the process of making a hideout in this hidden cave she'd found.

The young halfa found herself in the woods after ten minutes. She landed near Lake Eerie and started walking towards the mountains. It was currently peaceful, most of the animals ran as soon as they sensed her presence, some of the braver ones would watch as she walked past. "I wonder what this other dimension will be like. I'm sure Danny would've been a better fit for it than me."

Finally arriving at her hideout, Dani got to work fixing it up. So far she had gotten some furniture that was spread out throughout the cave along with creating a special barrier at the entrance to keep out the natural elements but still let in fresh air.

Dani busied herself fixing up the cave. She created a nice and sturdy table from a tree she had accidentally knocked over a couple weeks prior. It was hard work but woodworking had ended up being really fun. Looking outside Dani saw that the sun was starting to set. "Everyone should be back home by now. I need to start packing as well."

Dani arrived at Fenton Works right as Jazz started calling her phone. She decided to walk through the front door like a "normal" person and announced loudly that she was back.

"Dani!" A paint covered Jack Fenton came bounding down the stairs and engulfed his almost daughter in a hug. "Why do you smell like the outside?"

"I was at Lake Eerie. Did Jazz tell you the big news?"

Maddie came downstairs as well, flecks of paint in her hair and on her hazmat suit. "No, she said you would tell us what this big news was when you got back. You can tell us over the pizza Danny brought."

Dani smiled at the thought of pizza. She bolted to the kitchen, nearly running into Sam who was walking out of it. "Sorry Sam but your in the way of pizza!"

Sam only shrugged, having already eaten some of the delicacy. "Better hurry, Tucker and Danny might eat it all."

"But didn't you guys just get here as well?"

"Yep, but they're teenage boys, one of which has a very fast metabolism."

The female halfa dashed into the kitchen and claimed a couple boxes of pizza for herself and the others. She held the boxes up victoriously. "PIZZZAAAA!!!"

Jazz walked into the kitchen and took a box from Dani. "Thanks for saving some of the pizza."

"Can't let the boys eat all of this greasy perfection." The female clone ignored the set the boxes on the counter and grabbed a regular pepperoni slice. "Where did you guys get the money for all this pizza anyway?"

"Being the mayor has some perks." Tucker grinned as he grabbed a ultra meat eater slice of pizza.

Danny just smirked. "It still can't help you get a girlfriend." He laughed as he dodged a pepperoni slice.

Dani sighed, she didn't know how but she knew time was running out and that she should get to Clockwork sooner rather than later. "Hey guys... not to interrupt the fun, but I was given a mission by Clockwork. I don't know how long I'll be gone, I'm guessing it'll be a while since his note told me to say goodbye to everyone first."

The laughter died down and everyone got serious. The Fenton parents and Sam entering the kitchen. "When do you have to leave?"

"The letter said as soon as I say goodbye to everyone, but I don't want to say goodbye yet!" The female halfa hadn't noticed that her eyes were starting to water. "I just got my own room and I want to be here to see what Jazz's new dorm will look like!"

Maddie felt bad for the young teen. She knew she wasn't the girl's mother by normal means, but DNA wise she was. "Everything will be fine, sweetheart. We may not be able to go with you, but we'll still be here when you get back." The red haired scientist walked over and gave her almost official daughter a hug.

"But what if I'm not good enough! What if I mess something up! Clockwork only ever sends Danny to other timelines and dimensions when something major is about to happen!"

"Hey guys, can you give us a moment? I want to talk to Dani alone." Danny had a feeling there was more to this than what the younger halfa was saying. Once the others were gone the two sat down at the table. "What's this really about Danielle? You've travelled the world on your own and your also exploring the Ghost Zone."

Dani sighed, she didn't really want to talk about it, but it technically had to do with other Danny. "I don't feel like I'm good enough to be going on this mission. I haven't saved the town or the entire world. The town only sees me as your sidekick and the entire town knows I'm actually your clone. Sometimes I don't even feel like I'm a real person."

The air was heavy as Danny with a y processed what other Dani just said. "Why didn't you tell me sooner you felt this way. You aren't my sidekick, you're my partner. And you are definitely more than my clone, you're a half human being, an awesome one at that. You deserve to go on this mission, Clockwork wouldn't send you on one if he didn't think you could handle it."

The two halfas stood up and hugged. Dani gave a tearful smile. "Thanks, I really needed to hear that. I should say my goodbyes now. Can't rally keep Clockwork waiting, can I?" Both halfas laughed and left the kitchen.

Thirty more minutes of tearful goodbyes and packing later, Dani transformed and entered the Ghost Portal.

Ghostly JusticeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora