chapter 10

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Dreading the meet with Tevin, opening the door was like touching sharp needles. Walking in, I didn't see him. His yellow hair was no where visible, I sighed and looked down at my phone. "12 pm, don't be late" the text said. Looking back up, I took a glance at the filled tables. Then a soft tap on my shoulder made me turn my head.

"Your Y/N, right?" The girl eirh silver hair asked. I nodded and took in her appearance. She was NOT  like any other mount ragon. She had four arms, and long silver hair, shaping her face pretty perfectly. "Yeah, why?" She grinned and took a long exhale. "Thank god! I'm Tevins assistant, silver" she introduced, shaking my hand with hers. "Nice to meet you, um. Why did your boss want to meet up?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

"How bout we sit first! I'm starving" she gestured towards the only empty two seater. Sitting down, I took in her cheery display. She was really nice, not annoying at all. She sighed and tapped her 20 fingers on the table. "I'm gonna get straight to the point!" She said excitedly. "Tevin was informed by his manager that he couldn't work with you anymore. An interference I guess" she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. "He couldn't meet up with you because his manager wouldn't let him, so I came here instead!" The waiter came over and placed waters on the table.

"Ah, okay" I looked away, feeling a bit awkward. "Sorry if this seems invading but, why did you take a modeling partnership with Tevin after what he has done?" She asked, scratching her neck. "What did he do?" I tilted my head, curiosity taking over. Looking around, she snapped her head back towards me and leaned closer. "He takes peoples money, then makes you a living joke!" She whispered, using her hand to cover her mouth.

I furrowed my brows, confused. "Really?" I asked, lowering my voice like she did. "Ever wondered the real reason why Velvet and Tevin broke up?" My face changed to an understanding one, tapping my chin. "That makes sense" I said, nodding my head. "Personally, the only reason I work for him is money, and to keep that troll healthy" her 2nd row of arms flung everywhere, insinuating that she was serious. "Wait, troll?" I questioned, confused again.

She covered her mouth, realizing the secret she had revealed. "Oh God! Please don't tell anyone!" She begged, collapsing her hands together. "What dies he need a troll for?" I looked up at the waiter, who asked what we wanted for food. I ordered a sandwich and so did she, looking nervous. She looked back at me and looked down at the spotless table. "You can use a trolls essence to get talent. I think" she tapped her fingers on her chin and thought.

"Wait, really?" I asked, not fully believing her. "Yeah but it's like suuuuper illegal on mount ragous. Basically a felony!" She informed me with this useful information. "Most famous people use it, but they get caught eventually" sipping her water made me think. "You think Velvet and Veneer have one?" My deep thoughts spilled out of my mouth, almost making me throw up at the thought. "I...yes they do. Tevin told me..." she looked down and back up at me.

"But that doesn't mean their not bad people! They just have dreams"  she defended, waving her 4 hands in the air. "Please don't say anything though" she begged, scrunching her nose as she sniffed. "I wont" she smiled, giggling. "Great! Maybe we can be friends?" She asked, smiling. I smiled too, she was a lovely person to hang out with. "Yeah, we can totally!" I said, smiling.

We talked for an hour about work, the differences between fame AND working for fame. She was sweet, and pretty. But thinking of Troy, maybe I shouldn't tell Velvet about Silver. Or anyone in that matter. "Its been awesome talking to you silver" I stood up, smiling. "It sure has!" She said happily. "Oh! Maybe we can go shopping sometime?" She asked, chuckling.

"Yeah we can!" I said, smiling. I left in a happy mood, this was a good start to the day. But it soon had taken a turn once I had walked towards my car. "Are you kidding me?!" I yelled, holding my head in my hands. My tired were slashed, with a note on it. Picking it up made me read it, sighing softly.

"Dear Y/N, your skin is so luxurious, your body curves. I love your lips, your fluffy hair and how it bounces. Please don't ignore me next time. Or else.

-Your #1Fan"

The note gave me chills, making me crumble it up. Looking around, I got into the car quickly and called Velvet. Her sweet voice came through the phone, making me relax a bit in my seat. "Hey love, what's up?" She asked. I sighed and went to start my car, but remembered my tire. "Can you maybe come pick me up? Someone uh...slashed my tire." I could her her slight gasp. "You poor thing. I'm coming as soon as possible. VENEE-" Her voice cut off as she hung up. I sat in my car uncomfortably, knowing someone could be watching me. I looked down at the note again, those goosebumps coming back.


I jumped, hearing banging on my window. Seeing Velvet made me relax, and maybe even more when I saw Veneer behind her. I got out of my car, going over to Velvet. She hugged me tightly around my waist and looked down at my tire. "Who the hell would do this?!" She frowned, and looked back at me. "Whoever this is" I handed her the note. She took it forcefully and unfolded it. She read it, and the more she did, the more her brows turned inward.

"This son of a bitch won't do shit. Not on my watch" she ripped the note and looked at me. "This won't be a biggie love" she said, smiling down at me. She looked down at my car, rubbing my back. "I'll get this towed for you. Paid and everything." I looked at her and was a bit surprised. "Are you sure?! You don't have to" I watched as she nodded.


Velvet brought me over to her place, not the first time. But I was still nervous. I kept thinking about the talk with silver. The troll. Though I can't ask Velvet, I would probably get Silver in trouble. And I don't want that. I fell onto her big bed, sprawling my limbs across the surface. "What do you think about this dress?" She asked. I sat up, looking at the dress that Velvet held up infront of me. "That one is pretty. I like it." I smiled and saw her frown. "Then no" she threw the dress next to me, causing a sigh fall from my mouth.

"Why does it matter what I like?" I asked, tilting my head. My hands held up the top part of my body. ""It doesn't. It matters what you love" she scavenged through her closet. She held up another dress, a satin purple dress. "Oh I love that!" I smiled, looking at her expression brighten. "Finally! I was almost running out" I chuckled in disbelief. "Really?" I asked, giggling. "No, I have like 100 more dresses. Just don't have the energy" she sat down on the couch, tapping her finger on the arm of it. "Can I ask you something?"

I looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah, what's up?" She shifted in her seat and bounced her leg. "Are you free Friday night?" She asked, looking into my eyes. I thought for a second and shook my head. "No, why?" She looked to the ground and fiddled with her fingers. "Maybe wanna um...go to the skating rink or something? Veneer is inviting his friends so-" I cut her off, nodding. "Yeah! I would love to!" I smiled and looked at her changed expression.

"Oh good! Um, I can pick you up if you want." She suggested, smiling. I agreed, swinging my feet from the bed.


Sorry that this was so short, I was sick as some of you know


face reveal? Name reveal? Q&A? GIVE ME A 5K SPECIAL IDEA. I'll even do a oneshot!


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