chapter 4

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Anyway let's get into it






"Ughhh," I groaned, opening my eyes. Waking up today was the worst decision ever. Like the fucking worst. My head pounded, feeling like a hammer hitting my head repeatedly. I breathed heavy as I lifted my head. "I shouldn't have had so many drinks" I whispered to myself, sighing at the horrible feeling.

I slowly dreaded down the stairs, holding my head in my hands. I walked  into my kitchen, seeing Veneer sitting at the counter. He ate his cereal, sipping the milk. "Hey Ven" I mumbled, walking over to the fridge and opening it. I looked at the contents that sat in the cold box and sighed. "Hey Vels. Y/N leave already?" He asked. I tilted my head and looked at him. "Y/N?  She was here?" I grabbed some yogurt and a spoon, and faced Veneer across the counter. "Yeah she stayed over. Though maybe she left after I fell asleep... I dunno she was here though" He shrugged and poured a second bowl of cereal.

"She slept in the spare?" I asked, walking to the big cabinet and opening it. I grabbed the white bag of granola and poured it into my yogurt. "No, in your room. She made sure you held up okay while you slept"  He replied, taking a big bite of his cereal. "Wait. In my bed?" I questioned, looking over at Veneer as I sat down. "Yeah. You guys were all cuddled up. Or last time I went in there" He mumbled the last part and continued eating his food. I felt my face flush at this. Maybe I should text her, maybe thank her for helping me out. No, no i wont. Too awkward.

"Do we have anything to do today?" I asked, shaking off my thoughts. "We have an interview, and a show at the boombox" He said, counting his two fingers. "We also have a meet and greet later" I groaned. "Cant you just go? Having a hangover at a meet and greet isnt great" He chuckled and stood up. "Its not until 6pm, so drink lots of water and eat enough and you'll be fine." He walked around the counter and placed his bowl in the sink.

"Get dressed sis! We have A LOT to do!"


I grabbed my phone and looked at the recent texts between me and Tevin. "He said he would be here..." I muttered to myself. I looked around and finally spotted the yellow haired boy, walking across the busy road to me. "Sorry im late Y/N! Lost track of time" He apologized, bringing his hands together. "Its fine T" I shrugged it off and smiled at him. "T?" He asked, looking at me weird. "Yeah... Sorry I Usually give people nicknames. Easier to remember" He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Alrighty then..." He walked past me, probably expecting me to follow but I didnt.  he turned around and looked at me.

"what? Need me to hold your hand or something?" He asked, laughing softly. I rolled my eyes and catched up with him. He honestly was a pain in the ass, but I didnt mind it. We walked down the street and talked about his music career. My phone buzzed, making me jump. I pulled it out and smiled, replying to the message. Tevin looked down at me and grabbed my phone out of my hands, holding it up high.

"Hey, what the hell?!" I yelled, reaching for it. "Who are you talking to?" He asked, reading the message. "Velvet. And we just met, so maybe you shouldn't be taking my phone, " I informed, frowning. He totally ignored my statement and made a disgusted face. "Velvet? As in Velvet and Veneer?" He asked, giving my phone back. "Yeah...why?" I looked down and quickly replied with a 'Hey' back.

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