chapter 6

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And probably short-


Velvet stood at the edge of the table, staring down at us. "Oh, hey vels!" I said, pulling my hands away from Tevin. "I didn't know I would find you here with Tevin." She looked at him with a disgusted look then back at me. "Oh yeah! We have A model job together" I explained, using my hands to help deescalate the awkward silence. "Hm. Right" she mumbled and unaudibly said 'oh'. "You know, you shouldn't drink that, could have poison from the snake infront of you" she frowned and took a seat.

"You don't have to stay velvet" Tevin mumbled, drinking his water. "You didn't have to dye your hair that ugly yellow" she snapped her fingers towards the waitress and crossed her legs.

"Yes ma'am?" The waitress asked. "I dont usually get coffee, but I need it. Fetch me a mocha latte, and no whipped cream" she demanded, looking at the woman. "Yes! Anything else?" Velvet looked at me and back at the woman. "Box of donuts. Maybe some chocolate Scratch the donuts and get me some Nutella French toast. Powdered sugar and everything." She ordered, tapping her fingers on the table. The woman nodded and wrote it down, walking away. "Never knew you were a fat ass velvet" Tevin said, looking out the window. "Not for me. For little lady. You can't have her starved can we?" She looked at me and grinned.

I was honestly speechless. I was very hungry but I was just going to grab something on the way home. The tension grew as Velvet stared into Tevins soul. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" He stood up and walked away, making me frown. "Is he okay?" I asked, looking at Velvet. "Who cares? Tevins a bratty bitch anyway" she turned her body towards me and smiled with her purple lips. "Did you even brush your hair?" She asked, brushing my hair out of my face. "Uhhh" I tried to remember and obviously I didn't. I just threw it a very messy bun. Hair falling out of the elastic and everything.

"No" I simply replied as velvets coffee was set on the table by the waitress. "You doing alright? You know from what happened last night?" I asked, tilting my head. She nodded, and sipped her coffee. "I was just tired. And being too dramatic. I need to be better. More perfect" she muttered the last part making me frown. "You don't need to be perfect. I think what matters most is progress." I said, smiling.

She rolled her eyes. "That's something that my grandmother would say" she took another sip and sighed loudly. "I thought it was more a mom thing" I pointed my finger. She chuckled, smiling more than she ever had around me. "Your right" she said, scooting her chair closer. "That food is taking so long." She said, and ironically, the food came. My heart melted at the sight of the food, making me smile.

Tevin came back and sat down, huffing and looking at my food. "That looks good" He said, smiling softly at me. I nodded and took a huge bite of the food. I tilted my head back and hummed at the chocolate goodness. "Want some?" I asked velvet, smiling. "I'm on a diet" she put her hand up and looked the other way. "Oh okay, how bout you Tevin?" I asked him.

She snapped her neck around and grabbed my wrist. She directed the food into her mouth, eating it whole. "You said you were on diet?" I asked, tilting my head. "Dogs can't have chocolate. So I just saved his life" she flushed her hair and smirked at Tevin. He frowned and rolled his eyes.

After I finished my food, I pushed the plate away and slumped in my seat. " guessing your covering?" Tevin asked, looking at Velvet. "Oh no. I forgot my purse" she smiled and placed her chin in the palm of her hands. Tevin made a very annoyed face and slapped his credit card on the table. After he had paid, we walked out all together, Velvet distancing herself from Tevin. We said goodbye and walked away from Velvet.

I walked Tevin to his car and he turned around to look at me. "Listen. I wanna warn you" He said, leaning on his car. "About?" He took out a cig and lit it. "Velvet is a manipulative little bitch. She'll break you to peices and make you feel like a joke. She isn't who you think she is" He informed, inhaling the smoke. "Tevin are you high Because I don't think you understand that I don't give a fuck. Hell, too many people say that! Velvet isn't who you think she is!" I said, crossing my arms. "I would know, I dated her. She broke up with me" He inhaled more smoke into his probably black lungs.

"Well she had every right to" I felt his eyes soften and his stern expression dropped to a sad one. "Okay, if that's what you want to think" He said, turning around and opening his car door. "Just, take my word for it" He said, closing the door and driving away.


I'm so sorry.


It's 11:54 where I am and I'm tired, so ima sleep.


models And Stars (Velvet X Fem Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora