chapter 7

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The image💀

Anyway, onto the story


After a week or so, me and Revin finally started our little "collab". We were posted all over billboards, covers of magazines, and Ofcourse the internet. Some rumors being that me and Tevin are together. Which I could never.

I watched the cars go by as I sat in the car, thoughts running through my little mind. "You okay Y/N?" I turned my head and saw Tevin and his black tux sitting next to me. As the car turned short, my body jerked to the side and I put my arms out and gasped.

Tevin just watched and I fixed my posture, straightening out my dress. "I'm fine." I said, looking out the window to see the bright city of mount ragous. "You excited for the red carpet?" He asked, I could tell he was smiling when he said this. I looked over and smiled. "Yeah, I am." I said, as the car pulled up to the red carpet. It's been a bit since I have been on this carpet, but here I am.

I stepped out of the car, hand in hand with Tevin. He smiled down at me and I nervously looked up at him. I was scared, being on a runway WITH a bunch of other beautiful models is INSANE to me. I walked down the carpet and posed for photos. Tevin finally removed himself from beside me, but was quickly replaced with someone else. A hand slithered around my waist and pulled me close for a photo.

I looked up and saw Velvet, smiling with her red lips at the flashing cameras. I smiled also and held her waist also, squeezing her side. This feeling...what was it? It felt right how she held me, how she dug her red nails into my side. She was gorgeous tonight. That red velvet dress cringed onto her skin and dropped low on her neck line. But she's just a friend...



"I didn't know Tevin would be here?" She commented, walking inside beside me still. " Oh yeah! We had a collab, remember?" I looked up at her tall figure as her face turned into hate. "Right...forgot" she mumbled, digging her nails deeper. I winced slightly, but didn't say anything. It kinda made me feel a way...

As Tevin walked over to us, Velvet unwrapped her arm from my waist and tugged my arm aggressively. "How bout a drink hm?" She dragged me over to the bar and sat me down. "Two waters" I chuckled and folded my hands together. "No alcohol tonight?" I asked, grinning from ear to ear. "Nope. Not tonight, doll. You got lucky," She laughed lightly, letting me see her bright smile.

"Your smile is pretty" I smiled at her attractive demeanor. She hummed in agreement and sipped the water. "I know. That's how I'm gonna beat you tonight. Take the model crown" she snarkily remarked, laughing. I smiled and shook my head. "Still trying to be on top?" I asked, tapping my pointer finger on the table.

Tevin, I guess, finally found me and grabbed me while Velvet wasn't looking. "Ah! Tevin, where have you been?" I asked, smiling at him. "Trying to fucking find you! Where the hell have you been?!" He asked, flailing his arms everywhere. I furrowed my brows and laughed awkwardly. "With Velvet?" I said, crossing my arms


I walked behind the stage and there it was. About 100 vanitys with the same amount of makeup artists, all lined up in rows. It was bright, and the back of the big room was lined with dressing rooms, purple and blue curtains. I walked over to my assigned vanity and sat down, getting ready. As my stylist started on my hair, I scrolled on Instagram. Looking at all the stuff on my feed.

models And Stars (Velvet X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now