Suddenly, a woman strolled through the group of men, confidently greeting everyone and finally extending a handshake to my husband. As I observed her, then shifted my gaze to Vaibhav, the others were openly staring at the woman. However, my husband's eyes remained fixed on me, causing me to feel thousands of butterflies in my stomach all at once. She positioned herself beside Vaibhav, gracefully encircling her arm around an older man's arm standing next to her.

When our eyes remained fixed on each other, Vaibhav gestured something to me. Initially, I didn't grasp it, but after a minute, it struck me that he was inviting me over.

His towering stature, captivating aura, and innate charm made him undeniably attractive, and his attire today only enhanced his appeal. Priya's observation was spot on-I had indeed married a handsome man. As he strode towards me, his gaze fixed on mine, his left hand casually tucked into his left pocket. He came and stood before me, and the next moment, he held my hand firmly.

"Let's introduce you," he whispered near my ear. His warm breath caused a shiver down my spine. He seemed determined to drive me insane, today.

As we approached the group, the jingling sound of my payal drew attention from all directions, attracting a level of notice I wasn't accustomed to. Feeling uneasy in my heels, I noticed Vaibhav adjusting his pace to match mine, taking deliberate and careful steps. Worried about the possibility of tripping in front of such a gathering, I clutched the pleats of my saree, determined to walk with comfort and grace.

"Hello, gentlemen. Meet my wife, Nidhi," he spoke, gently placing his hand over my shoulder.

"Nidhi, he is Mr. Saxena, our business partner," he introduced. The older man, likely in his 50s, extended his right hand, and I hesitantly shook it.

"And she is his daughter, Miss Meesha," he continued, introducing the young lady who had caught my attention earlier. Something about the way she looked at Vaibhav seemed off, and I didn't like it. Did they have a past?

"Hello," she spoke. She must be around my age, or perhaps older.

"Hello," I replied, smiling lightly. She was adorned in a golden-colored saree with sequin work, and standing closer to her now, I understood why men were gawking at her, her blouse was probably the reason, yet she was undeniably attractive.


"And he is Mr. Shergill," Vaibhav continued, and again, out of courtesy, we shook hands.

I was never accustomed to attending many parties, even back home. Only Shivani and my parents used to attend parties, and neither they asked nor did I request them to take me. These parties and get-togethers were never my scene. But today, being our reception, I didn't have much of an option.

"I must say, Mr. Vaibhav likes to keep his private life quite private. We didn't even know he was about to get married, but suddenly we got invited-not to his wedding, but to the reception," Meesha remarked, looking at Vaibhav and then at me.

"You are right, Meesha. I prefer to keep my work and private life separate," Vaibhav replied instantly.

Vaibhav's response intrigued me. I sensed there was more to his choice of words.

As the introductions continued, a subtle tension began to weave its way into the air. The atmosphere shifted, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

A few moments later, Meesha, with a sly grin, decided to stir the pot. "Mr. Vaibhav, your wife seems rather reserved. Is she always this shy, or is it just for special occasions?" Her tone held a hint of mockery, and I felt the weight of her words settle uncomfortably between us.

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