Stay Away From Me

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As I toss my head to look out the window, I found a nurse checking Davis BP, his forearm was bandaged so tight while his eyes were swollen as if they were punched and I stood up quickly, looking away as soon as possible, rushing to the exit, but the door shut itself and I looked over my shoulder in case he was behind me, frozen with terror , trembling on my wobbly feet just when he stopped me.

"Dahlia!" I heard his husky voice which echoed across the room, running fear through me and I realized he was leaning back against the wall at a corner, my heart skipped a beat when he called for me again, "Dahlia!" This time there was a loud range of anger in his voice , so I got no other option than to face him, I couldn't just turn deaf ears to his calling, he appeared so close to me immediately I turned around and I got startled, my face was an inch away from his as he glared into my eyes as if he wanted to steal my soul, I saw the veins beneath those looks, they grew over his lids , exposing a deep irritating tear which could turn him blind if he was human. What the heck does he want this time. He pulled me closer by the neck as our lips almost met, making it difficult for me to escape, "you really impressed me last night, what's your ability, who's protecting you?" He gave a brusque question, hurting me more, " only me should have the chance to hurt you, touch you the way I want, you're mine"
I cut him shut with a slap in the face, " fucking low_life jerk" my gaze went to his chest and I saw how badly injured he is that blood oozed from each large cut.
"Do you want to leave here alive!, you are already crossing the line to your own grave, watch your mouth or else I shall teach you how to do so which is going to be the painful way "he said with an evil smirk, " come over to the the park tonight. If you refuse to come, your family lives are going to be destroyed, you know what I'm capable of "
" Don't even think of running away, I'm going to find you no matter where you hide, whether six feet under the ground nor in hell, I shall find you "

" I hate you "
" I want you to love me "
" Love is not by force, stop meddling with my life. Paddle your boat and let me paddle mine "
" See you eight o'clock tonight "he was not bothered. Instead, he smiled slightly, stroking few strands of hair behind my ear before saying, " you don't know how much I love you, I'm falling for you, I just can't live without seeing your face in a day cause I miss you"

"You are a monster and can never be forgiven. Animals like you are meant to be in hell" I caved.
" You have no idea of the things you'll become soon, that's why you badmouth us"
I slapped his hands off my face and he vanished into tiny air when he gave me a wink, " what happened? "The nurse asked with no clue of what has happened between I and Davis. Who the fuck is Davis, what kind of creature is he!, He's a strange breed.
A woman in a white lab coat peeped into the room and sent for me, " Miss Dahlia, please follow me, it's time for your check up" she made me follow her behind and we left together.

I entered the dorm after so much work of searching for any available fine art handout, but found none which made me frustrated and I dragged my feet to the bed, falling on to my back. Damnit... I didn't get the chance to buy the handout, I'm fucking tired of searching and searching over again. I covered myself with a green duvet, curling up like a ball beneath, noise from each and every corners in the apartment as I yawned, feeling sleepy. But I heard a voice whispered into my ear, "hello beautiful" it sounded familiar and gruffly, my heart skipped a beat, pulsing hesitantly immediately I sat up, hurling the duvet to the floor out of fright, my eyes was wide_opened with anxious look , every place I glance at, seem to be different, something was wrong with the people, they were faint like portraits on walls, and everything suddenly went back to normal when I was about to stray, so I went back to sleep, this time with my eyes closed.
"Hey there" I heard Davis voice which jolted my sight wide, his sudden presence scared me to death, stealing a nervous glance of his face.
"When did you get here!" I asked cautiously, maintaining distance from him
"That isn't important, why didn't you come over to the park?" He asked, one of his eyes was severely disabled, the pupil was whitish black which was disgusting to look at, so I just avoided eye contact. He really got injured last night , but he makes it look like a minor thing, what if he gets blind. "Worried 'bout me?"
After all he isn't human, why should I worry, I don't care.

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