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To the dreamers who are young adults and beyond, whose hearts beat in rhythm with tales of romance and adventure, who find solace and excitement in the roll of dice and the magic of fantasy worlds:

This book is for you.

In a world where the mundane often clouds the extraordinary, may these pages serve as a portal to realms unexplored, where love defies the laws of physics, and dragons soar beyond the horizon of imagination. To those who have ever wished upon a star, hoping for a spark to reignite the fire of their dreams, let this story be the kindling.

May it remind you that the magic you seek is within your grasp, woven into the very fabric of your spirit, waiting to be unleashed. Here's to rediscovering wonder, to daring to dream without limits, and to finding the magic that dances at the edge of the everyday.

Embark on this journey with open hearts and minds, for within these pages lies not just a tale of fantasy and love, but a call to action that echoes the deepest desires of your soul. Let it inspire you, let it challenge you, and most importantly, let it remind you that the greatest stories are those that lie within.

To all of you, may you find in this book a reason to dream more vividly, love more deeply, and hope without bounds.

With all my heart,

Jack Silver aka (@JackSilvertongue - TikTok handle)

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