Behind Closed Doors

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As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the Citadel of Prysia, Princess Elara stood on her balcony, her gaze fixed on the bustling courtyard below. There, the King's guard engaged in their daily practice routines, honing their skills and maintaining their readiness for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Amidst the training knights, one figure stood out, a paladin of considerable renown. He wielded a two-handed broadsword with unparalleled finesse, his movements a testament to years of rigorous training and unwavering dedication. The broadsword sang through the air as it struck with precision, a dance of strength and grace that left no doubt as to why he was considered one of the King's finest knights.

Elara watched the display with a discerning eye, her appreciation for martial prowess outweighing any romantic notions. The paladin's skill was impressive, a reflection of the kingdom's unwavering commitment to its military might. It was a reassuring sight, reminding her that even amidst the festivities and celebrations, the Citadel of Prysia remained a fortress of strength.

However, the shadows of impending war loomed heavy in her thoughts. Despite her father's efforts to keep the true extent of the kingdom's troubles hidden, Elara was all too aware of the rumors circulating through the town. Whispers of unrest in neighboring kingdoms, the clashing of armies at borders, and the uncertainty that hung in the air like a storm cloud weighed heavily on her heart.

One such rumor that had reached her ears spoke of Mintarn's history in previous wars. According to renowned sources, Mintarn had a long and storied history as a mercenary nation, often hiring its formidable armies to the highest bidder in the conflicts that ravaged the Sword Coast. Their skilled warriors and formidable navy had played crucial roles in various battles and campaigns, earning both respect and fear from neighboring nations.

She knew that the upcoming spring festival, with its joyous revelry and diplomatic guests, was but a fragile veil concealing the darker reality that faced Prysia. The festivities would provide a brief respite from the brewing storm, but it would not dispel the threat entirely.

With a sigh, Elara turned away from the balcony, her thoughts drawn back to the responsibilities that lay ahead. She had a role to play in the kingdom's future, one that extended beyond the celebrations and the presence of Prince Droku. As the princess of Prysia, she would need to navigate the treacherous waters of diplomacy, alliances, and the looming specter of war, all while preserving the legacy of her beloved mother and ensuring the safety of her kingdom.

As Princess Elara stood on her balcony, her eyes fixed on the courtyard below, little did she know that amidst the shadows, a silent intruder had infiltrated the castle's defenses with unparalleled ease. The assassin known as the Dragon's Scythe had slipped through the cracks of security, a phantom moving through the heart of the Citadel of Prysia.

From his concealed vantage point, the Dragon's Scythe observed the princess, his eyes trained on her with an intensity that bespoke his unwavering commitment to the mission. He had heard much about Princess Elara, her grace and intelligence, her resilience in the face of the kingdom's challenges. Now, as he laid eyes upon her for the first time, he saw her in the flesh, standing on the balcony as she watched the knights below.

For a fleeting moment, the assassin allowed himself to appreciate the beauty and regal presence of the young princess. Her dark hair cascaded like a curtain of the perfect night, her gaze thoughtful and filled with a sense of duty. Yet, there was something more beneath the surface, a depth of character that intrigued him.

With the quiet grace of a cat, the Dragon's Scythe vanished from his concealed position, leaving no trace of his presence behind. It was a skill born of years of practice, an art he had perfected in the shadows.

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