[5] Attracted towards her...

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Word count: 968

Y/n's Pov:

The evening had settled into a quiet calm as I sat on my bed, the soft glow of the lamp casting elongated shadows across the room. The stillness was almost deafening, a stark contrast to the chaotic thoughts swirling in my mind. I had hoped that the quiet would bring some relief, but instead, it seemed to amplify my confusion.

“You spoke brave and cold to him,” I muttered to myself, pacing slowly back and forth. “But why did you thank him at the end? It’s really embarrassing.” The words felt like an indictment, a harsh judgment on my own behavior. I had been so determined to maintain my distance, to keep up the walls I had carefully built around myself. Yet, despite my best efforts, I had ended up thanking him. Why? What had compelled me to do that?

I sat down on the edge of my bed, staring blankly at the floor. The memory of Mr. Kim’s smile lingered in my mind. It had been disarming, that smile. It wasn’t just any smile; it was the kind that made you forget yourself, made you feel... soft. “But his smile...” I began again, my voice trailing off. It was the kind of smile that made me feel like I was wrapped in a warm, comforting blanket—something I hadn’t experienced in a long time. It was oddly soothing, almost like music, but more personal, more intimate.

“What are you even thinking, Y/n? He’s your professor.” I berated myself, shaking my head vigorously as if to dispel the thoughts. It was absurd. I had no business feeling this way about someone I barely knew, someone who was supposed to be a professional distance away from my personal life.

As I tried to push the thoughts aside, my phone buzzed on the bedside table. The sudden sound jolted me from my reverie. I reached for it, a mix of curiosity and apprehension tightening in my chest. The screen displayed a message from an unknown number. My heart skipped a beat as I tapped on it.



In Mr. Kim's Home

Mr. Kim's Pov:

The day had been a whirlwind, and now that I was home, I found myself reflecting on the unexpected encounter in the cafeteria. I had tried to engage her, to break through the icy veneer she maintained, but her response had been anything but warm. “That was rude,” I said aloud, rolling my eyes at my own attempt to connect. “I was just trying to start a conversation with her.”

I leaned back in my chair, the faint glow of the desk lamp illuminating my face as I replayed the conversation in my mind. Her bluntness had surprised me. Most of the women I had met in my life had either fawned over me or tried to impress me with their charm. Y/n was different. She had cut through the pretense with a single, cold statement, and I found myself oddly attracted to her straightforwardness.

“Why was she so different?” I mused aloud, feeling a rare pang of intrigue. “All the girls I’ve ever seen just flirt with me or drool over me. But she didn’t even glance at me fully. It’s like she was unaffected by my presence.” It was strange, and that was what made it so compelling.

Her words had struck me. She had told me I was handsome and hot, with such a straight face. It was both shocking and endearing. “How could she just say that to a grown man?” I chuckled, shaking my head. “That too, with such a serious expression. I almost blushed, but I managed to keep my composure. I didn’t want her to see me flustered.”

The more I thought about it, the more I wondered about her. She had given me her number so easily, something I hadn’t expected. “Should I text her?” I pondered, staring at my phone. “What should I say? Just a ‘hi’? Or should I be formal, like a professor?” The uncertainty made my head spin. “Ahhhh... Ottoke?” I groaned, unsure of the best approach.


In Y/n's Home

Y/n's Pov:

The message from the unknown number was simple: “Hii. This is Mr. Kim. Hope you’ll save my number.”

I stared at the message, my mind racing. He had texted me already? It was quick, almost too quick. “Sure... sir,” I typed back, my fingers moving mechanically over the screen. I felt a mix of irritation and curiosity.


Mr. Kim's Pov:

As I stared at Y/n’s quick reply, I felt a surge of both relief and disappointment. “That was a quick response,” I muttered, analyzing her brief answer. “But why isn’t she starting a conversation? Should I initiate it?” The thought of texting her casually felt wrong, yet being too formal seemed too distant. “Nah, it’ll be inappropriate.”

I sighed heavily, rubbing my temples. “I should go and sleep,” I decided, though the prospect of rest seemed elusive. “Will I be able to sleep after today’s conversation? After meeting her again and talking to her?” I couldn’t shake the feeling that this encounter had left a mark on me, one that was difficult to ignore.

“Ahh... She is killing me,” I said with a mix of frustration and fascination, staring at the ceiling as if it could provide answers. The day had been a whirlwind, and I wasn’t sure how to process it all.

Author's Pov:

In both their homes, the echoes of their conversation hung in the air, leaving both Y/n and Mr. Kim to wrestle with their thoughts and feelings, as the evening unfolded into a night full of uncertainties.


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