"grow up then kid." She said and got up from her place.

"where are you going?" Jimin asked.

"to bring some pen and yellow papers."

"why do we need yellow papers?" Hobi asked.

"cause she can't decide anything without writing on yellow papers." JinHee said shrugging her shoulders.

"why are you... So weird?" Jin asked with a face full of 'I can't believe you.'

"Aaa! Did you just call me weird? UwU I love you!" she said and threw a flying kiss at him while he was still staring at her with the same face and blinked twice.

Eunseo ran upstairs to her room and Jin just chuckled while shaking his head.' she's crazy.' he thought.

"Well Jin hyung?" Hobi asked.


"what was going on at the hospital today?"

"what was going on?" Jungkook and Jimin asked.

"when I went to call Jin hyung because Taehyung asked Eunseo and Jin hyung wer-"

"Ohhhh thaaat! Aaaa... That was just that I was trying to punch a bug.. Uh.. I mean a mosquito. Yeah right a mosquito haha." He said laughing embarrassingly.

Hobi just stared at him and asked, "who kills a mosquito standing over-"

"aaish! I do? Ok that's a new technique and Eunseo was teaching me how to punch a mosquito. You know she's got some weird ideas. HA HA HA HA." he said giving him a glare.


"Isn't JinHee calling you yet?" MinYeong asked.

"No." Richard replied.

"I think we should just start again... Everything is just messing up. We need to come up with another solid plan."

"yeah. What do we do?"

MinYeong stayed silent for a while then said, "Do you think they really killed SamYeong?"

"I don't know.."

"Should I send SuHee?"

"are you serious? She'll get into danger."

MinYeong scoffed. "Her mother was someone I loved the most after money... But you know the saying, kill your darlings..." MinYeong said pointing his finger at Richard in a gun shape then again said, "for better."

Richard chuckled doing the same then said, "I may follow that too."

"I have a plan though." MinYeong said changing the topic. "Let's make a list of their name and point out who are more and less important."

"what're we gonna do with that?"

"we'll start from the end."

Richard joined his eyebrows not understanding.

'List of Jerks

Kim Nam-Joon.
Yoon Ela-Rin.
Min Yoon-Gi & Kim Seok-Jin.
Jung Ho-Seok & Park Ji-Min.
Yoon Eun-Seo & Jeon Jung-Kook.'

Reading the list Richard laughed. "you literally named it list of Jerks?"

"I wrote the truth."

"This Yoon Eunseo was lucky. She was saved last time too."

"not only last time. Before that I've tried to get her once too but again she was saved."

"woa.. She's got a good luck."

"but this time it won't be a good one."

"so should we start with her and Jeon Jungkook?"

"Kim Namjoon is already in coma. It'll be a lot easier for us if we just finish him at this state but.. That will be of no fun. So yeah let's get them and do a some fun." he said laughing and turned on the speaker beside him as the beats started reaching all the corners of the room while Richard smirked.

"I'm also close to get Parks Industries and finally I'll be able to throw away that trash... Haah! All these years I wasted my time behind Park Jinhee but finally she's being of some use." he said as he started moving his body from side to side with the flow of the music.

"You know.. You can just hand her to me." MinYeong said in between his dance.

"yeaa you old dirty guy!" Richard said laughing.

And the dance of the two old men went on for a long while.

"but she can't go back to Richard Brown at this point." Jungkook said.

"right.. She can just stay with me." Eunseo said.

"I have an apartment ok? I guess four rooms will be enough for this little girl to stay?" Jimin said scrunching his nose.

"Whyyy! I feel lonely in this house."

"you have Miss Lee with you. Plus Richard Brown won't sit quiet right? He'll surely search for her so she needs strong guard.".

"I think I'm stronger than you. Will you be able to kick someone with those little thin legs of yours?"

Jimin smirked and said, "Don't underestimate my legs.. They're flexible and can do many things beyond your imagination."

Jungkook and Jinhee started coughing as Jin smacked his head getting up from his place while Hobi was just staring at her with the same judging eyes.

["Ok next plan."] Yoongi said with a straight face.

["Jimin you're dead."] Tae said with a smile full of sympathy. ["I'm starting the screen recorder, can't miss this golden chance."]

And just in a moment a brown slipper flew and hit on his head and fell down on the floor while he fell backwards on the sofa and kept on staring at the ceiling with wide eyes.

["thank God I captured it."] Tae said laughing and stopped the recording.

["so the plan is final right?"] Yoongi asked.

"yeah." Jin said.

Eunseo picked up her phone and asked, "Is Ella still asleep?"

Yoongi switch to the back camera and showed her Ella's sleeping figure at a little distance.

"woah.. You're still sitting at the same place... I guess you really like her." She said with a teasing smile.

["I do.."] Yoongi replied with the same straight face as she felt him staring at Ella and smiled internally.

On the other side, while everyone else was busy with laughing at Jimin's shocked face Jin's eyes fell on Eunseo as he stared at her talking on the phone with the little smile.

The smile on his face faded away as soon as he saw tears gathering on the corners of her eyes.

He stared at her wondering what might had been going on in her mind

UwU~ I finally started posting on insta.

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