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When she finally made her way to the Seven Heavens, a surprise awaited Lumeria.

All the gods and the goddesses were gathered in Indraloka, the abode of the god of the skies, Indra. He stood in the centre, his consort, Shachi, to his right, and the other deities on either side of them.

Lumeria bowed in all directions, feeling awed. She was a mere , after all, born to and raised by a human mother, and as flawed as any other mortal on Earth. The humble part of her – which made up most of her – wanted to shy away from the presence of the numerous deities, but she willed herself to be strong. She could do this. She really could. She had done worse, after all.

"Raise, daughter of Julia."

She straightened slowly, to see Indra watching her with a pleasant smile. "Thank you for calling me, my lord."

"And thank you for your services to humanity." Indra breathed in, glanced at her father to his right, and released it. She thought it was a sigh. "Although Manmatha broke the law and married your mother on Earth, you did well, Lumeria. For that, we lift the curse on you—you may have as many children as you wish."

Lumeria smiled in automatic surprise. "Really, my lord?" He nodded. "That's wonderful! Thank you!"

"In addition," came forward, "we bestow upon you the title of a deity. You are now one of us – no longer mortal, but immortal – and are now free to create your own. world"

Lumeria was too overwhelmed to do anything else but bow again and say "I accept". Oh, how proud her mother would be, back on Earth. "I have an idea to create a world parallel to the existing – a world where wishes come true, where people can spend their last days in peace."

"That is up to you," replied Indra. "We give you full rights of creation."

From somewhere above, she heard an unearthly grumble and fought the urge to shrink back.

Indra rolled his eyes. "Brahma, I don't need your permission to tell a daughter of the Seven Heavens what she can and cannot do at this point. She's well aware and mature enough. She has proven it."

"Whatever." Brahma grumbled some more, before clearing his throat and saying, "W-well done, child. Bless you."

Lumeria was trying to see the highest deity above the others gathered in front of her, but couldn't see him. "Thank you, my lord. I shall uphold this honour and your faith in me."

Vishnu stepped forward. "Would you wish to have a feast with us?"

She hesitated for a few seconds, before shaking her head. "Oh no, I wouldn't want to trouble you. And besides, my mother would be waiting for me."

"Ah, all right then," said Indra kindly. "You may go back to her. But you should take her and bring her up here some time. Then, we'll have a feast."

Lumeria smiled gratefully and bowed multiple times.

It was thus that a new world came to be born, with Lumeria as its creator.

Visterra #1: Lumeria and the Six PropheticsWhere stories live. Discover now