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An hour later, Sophia was sat on the couch crying uncontrollably. Christopher had finally relented and left the house with a holdall full of his essentials 10 minutes prior. He had claimed he was just giving her space but there was no way she would ever forgive him. Her phone pinged and she picked it up from the coffee table

Here's hoping today wasn't as painful as I imagine it could be. I wanted to thank you for the sublime company, despite the circumstances. Now you have my number if you ever need rescuing once more - although I hope you're never in that situation again. Remember if you need anything, let me know. Love, respect and best wishes JD X

She smiled at the message, it really was incredibly sweet for him to think of her. She took a breath and composed herself before typing a response

He's gone. He thinks it's just for me to cool off but he's gone. I appreciate you sharing your number, I know how much you respect your privacy. Your company was wonderful and under any other circumstances I would have been the ultimate fangirl so maybe you were lucky that my inner fan girl was subdued due to the circumstances. It was an honour to have met you. Sophia Anderson x

Just under a week later, Sophia was sat at her desk in the large office of her father's publishing office building when her assistant Alice knocked on the door. "Yes." Sophia called out as she highlighted and made a note on a manuscript. "These just arrived." She said with a large ostentatious bouquet in her arms.

Sophia sighed

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Sophia sighed. "Tell me Alice, do you suffer with hayfever?" "Umm no." The young lady giggled. "Then call that a Spring bonus from me. Enjoy!" Sophia looked back down at her manuscript. "That will be all." She said softly sitting back in her chair and resuming her reading. "There's a card." Alice added pulling it out. She placed it on the edge of the desk and then left the room taking the large bouquet with her.

Please call me. We can work this out, I was stupid. You're all I've ever wanted. Xx

Sophia's curiosity got the better of her and she couldn't help but read the card. Instantly screwing it up and throwing it in the bin. Another knock on the door occurred "Come in!" She yelled and in walked her father suited and booted. He may well be in his mid 60's and greying however he still was handsome and the only man clearly Sophia could ever trust. She stood "Daddy.." "Just wanted to check in on you darling. Did you want a lift, or are you driving yourself home this evening?" "I'll drive I've got to swing by my place first anyway, I've forgot a few things and I know Mum will want to go riding." "Well she is very worried about you sweetness." "There's no need to be honest." "Hmm you say that but look at you, are you sleeping? Are you eating?" "Daddy I'm fine honest. The sooner I have the meeting with legal next week the better." Her father nodded before leaning over the desk and kissing her cheek. "Well I'll be off, I'm heading for a quick drink with David after all it is Friday.. so I'll see you later ok?" Sophia nodded and sat back at her desk.

Arriving at her family home that Friday evening she was shocked to see her brother, his wife and her 4 year old niece there too. "What's going on?" Sophia asked as she let herself into the house and saw her parents gathered in the hallway as if they were waiting for her. "Well at times like this, one needs their family around them." Her mother had said before wrapping Sophia into a giant bear hug. "Mum honestly, I'm ok. I'm not dying." "Well you don't look like you're taking care of yourself. I'll soon feed you up this weekend." Sophia rolled her eyes before entering the living room and heading straight for her niece. "Ellie!!" She said scooping her up onto her hip cuddling her. "Auntie Soph!!" The little girl giggled before eventually the former greeted her brother James, and sister in law Georgie.

"And that's that then?" Her brother asked once the family were settled and enjoying a glass of wine. "Yes that's that. He's apparently staying at a hotel, I'm not sure what he's told his parents. To be honest I don't care." Sophia said. "Soph, how on earth did you deal with that?" Georgie asked. "I still am." Scoffed Sophia. "No I mean at the hotel, I can't imagine being in the city with my heart broken and a shit tonne of luggage." "Oh, umm, well I just ended up booking a room and staying put. I didn't want to go back to the house." "You could have come home." Her mother said from a nearby couch. "Or to us." Georgie said with a smile. "Thank you, but I was fine, honestly. In fact it was actually a lot better than it could have been." The last comment confused everyone before Lizzie, Sophia's mother jumped up to serve dinner.

After the family meal, where Sophia had paid most of her attention to little Ellie, the group retreated back to the sitting room, when the former checked her phone.

Once again a thrilling read. Don't judge me I've been busy this week, sometimes I read it in less than a week. I hope this Friday is going better than the last. JD. X

She smiled at the photo he had sent of his book that she had caught him reading in the middle of the night and quickly typed a response.

No judgement here. A good story takes time. This Friday I'm being smothered by my parents and brother so I can't complain. Hope all is well with you. X

I'm fine - Nothing to report. Still in London working on a few things. Smothered? Now that can't be good. Are you playing your damsel in distress card again? Xx

Not at all. I don't think I'll ever play that card again unless it guarantees a meeting with you once more. Xx

"So the summer season is nearly upon us. Sophia I assume you're still attending everything despite the circumstances?" Lizzie asked. "Sorry, what?" Her daughter said still staring at her phone. "The summer. You'll be attending?" "Oh yes, can't wait. Single summer here I come." Sophia said sarcastically. "Don't be stupid, we'll all be there. It's not like you'll be lonely." Her father added before pouring himself a drink at the bar in the corner. "Not exactly lonely Dad.." Sophia muttered under her breath. "Great. Well I'll respond to all the invitations, and Georgie you must show me that dress you've got for Royal Ascot. With your colouring you can wear anything!" Lizzie said with a smile.

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