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Johnny turned to his two companions "Would you be so kind and take Sophia's luggage to my suite please?" They nodded and grabbed her things before she could stop them. "It's ok. I can do it..." she said smiling before the two guys brushed her off and rushed ahead with the bags. "That's Sean and that is Malcolm." Johnny said pointing the guys out. "They are my security." "Ahhh..." Sophia said wiping her tears and gently folding the handkerchief back into a neat square as they walked. "I umm I would offer you this back but that seems pretty gross now I've used it." "Doesn't matter. Keep it." He said as he held the suite door open for her allowing her entry.

Johnny's room was huge, and luxurious just like the pictures she had stalked online after discovering this hotel years ago. "Wow, it's beautiful." She said as he showed her to a nearby couch. "Only the best.. now can I get you a drink? Or shall I order the Champagne right away?" He stood beside her looking down at her. "Johnny don't be silly, you don't need to order champagne but if you've got some water I'll take that and then be on my way." She said kindly. "On your way?" Johnny replied confused before walking to the mini bar. "I don't expect you to fix my mistakes, and certainly not make up for my god awful boyfriend." She said calmly. "I'm not doing anything I don't wanna do." He responded approaching with a bottle of water. "Let me wine and dine you. Like I said my plans have fallen through. We can just hang, an unexpected meeting that turned into a wonderful evening I'm hoping..." he said holding out his hand which she took and stood. "Now.. I've already set up camp in the master. But you can stay in here as long as you like, until you're ready to face home again ok?" He opened a door to a luxury looking bedroom with a king size bed in it. "There's a bathroom through there with a killer roll top tub for your bubble bath too." Sophia smiled before noticing Sean and Malcolm had already put her luggage in the room. "Go have a bubble bath, relax, and be ready for dinner. Shall we say 8 o clock?" Johnny said kindly as Sophia turned to face him, "how can I ever repay you?" "Maybe give me a glimpse of a smile before the night is out?" She giggled coyly before nodding and entering the bedroom. "I'll be right out here if you need me ok?" He said closing the door gently.

Johnny was shocked at the beauty he had found heartbroken, the poor woman looked completely and utterly lost and he was glad he got a giggle out of her before he headed out to the balcony. He was greeted by Sean and Malcolm who questioned him instantly. "What's your plan then sir?" Sean asked. "I don't know, a nice dinner, see if I can cheer her up." "That's it?" Malcolm asked. "Yeah at this stage. Jesus.. what do you take me for?" "No need to get defensive sir..." Sean chuckled. "Ok well can you order room service for about 8:30? Champagne? The works." "Sure thing, we'll be in our suite if you need us ok," "Great thanks guys.." the two men left the balcony and Johnny began lighting up a cigarette. He looked across and saw another balcony on the same building he was in, a chiseled man walked out in just his boxers, clearly without a care in the world and mirrored Johnny's action of lighting up. He grabbed his phone and began typing a text. Johnny was about to look away, but grew curious, when the man was joined by a blonde woman in just a shirt. She had wrapped her arms around him from behind before he finished the text and roughly threw his phone down on a bistro table, he turned facing the lady. As the man kissed her passionately, Johnny could only feel a pang of jealousy. Since the breakdown of his marriage there had been women but not many, and nothing long lasting. He hoped one day to be able to open his heart once more but didn't see it happening anytime soon. Stubbing out his cigarette he re entered the suite and found Sophia stood by her room door. "Doll?" He asked concerned. "He text me.. he's just text me. He doesn't know I know.. what do I do?" She asked scared. Johnny swallowed nervously. Was that chiselled fucker on the other balcony the fucker who broke this angel's heart? "Umm ignore him. Give it a few hours you can pretend you were busy. Which you will be, with your bubble bath." Johnny said quickly closing the balcony doors and pulling the curtains to avoid any chance of her wanting to go out there. "You think?" She said anxiously. "Darling, you've done nothing wrong. He's the one that's done the bad thing. So you can stop feeling so nervous and anxious for a start." She nodded before retreating back to the room leaving the door ajar.

A while later, Johnny knocked on the door with a glass of champagne, he didn't hear anything so knocked once more before peering in. Her overnight case was thrown open and the dress bag remained zipped up lying flat on the bed. He heard muffled cries coming from behind the closed en suite door so composed himself and gently knocked on it, he heard a few muffled noises before the door opened. The girl he only knew as Sophia had donned one of the white fluffy hotel robes, her hair cascading around her bare face, she had clearly rinsed the spoiled make up off and applied some skincare as she was glowing despite the sad look in her eyes. "Your champagne Mi'lady." He said with a smile holding it up to her. "Johnny, you shouldn't have." She said taking it and sipping it. For the first time since laying eyes on him, it dawned on her who he actually was. How was she in a celebrity's suite in a hotel? How was she just in a hotel robe in said celebrity's suite? What had her life come to? On a usual day she would be fangirling hugely, but he had treated her just like a normal person, kind, considerate and caringly. She wanted to return the sentiment, and treat him like a normal man. After all, he hadn't given her any reason to make her believe he was a big diva star.

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