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An hour later, Johnny finished his tale about an adventure with Hunter when he looked to his left and saw the brunette asleep leaning on the arm of the couch. It didn't look the most comfortable but she was asleep and that was all that mattered. He knew after emotional trauma anyone's body needed sleep and rest, so he stood and grabbed a throw that was causally on a nearby armchair and placed it over her. He looked at his watch and saw it was gone 3am, deciding he wouldn't leave her alone he got comfortable placing his legs on the table after kicking off his boots, and rearranging a few cushions before closing his eyes and hoping for sleep after a rather unexpected evening.

Sophia woke to sunlight streaming into the suite, she squinted and sat up slowly before spotting a snoring Johnny Depp at the end of the couch. He looked rather peaceful despite the soft snores. Glancing down at her attire she felt her cheeks blush she hadn't really thought about it in the middle of the night but she was rather exposed, she then noticed the throw that had been loosely placed over her. What a kind gesture she thought to herself. Biting her lip after thinking today would be the day her life changed quite significantly. She took a deep breath and silently retreated back to the bedroom before dressing and packing her bags before there was a knock on the door. "Sophia.. I've ordered breakfast. It will be here shortly." She smiled before realising this was most women's fantasy. The moment she stepped out the suite today it would all be over. "Thank you, I'll be just a minute." She called back.

The breakfast arrived, and Johnny poured coffee for the pair. "So have you thought about what today might bring?" "Yes. Although I don't think I'm prepared. I'll head home, if he's there he's there if he's not I'll wait for him but he won't be sleeping under the same roof as me tonight." Johnny nodded understanding. "There will be so much to sort." Sophia said slightly intimidated. "It's ok.. it feels like a huge burden but gradually it all works out. I'd be happy to recommend a separation lawyer." "Oh that's very kind but with his connections and my father's business lawyers I'm sure I'll be ok." She said with a smile biting into a croissant. "Well if you need it, it's there ok?" "Johnny, how can I ever thank you for all this. I honestly don't know what to say." "Nothing.. honestly it was a pleasure. I don't mind at all. It was wonderful meeting you and I sincerely wish you the best." Sophia finished her coffee and stood. "Thank you, I wish it for you too. How the world can't see you're a good guy is beyond me, and if I may say, she was a stupid fool. How she could ever cause you any harm, physical or emotionally is beyond me. I'm sure you made a wonderful husband, nobody is perfect but that's what love is. Being there, and adoring somebody despite their flaws right?" Johnny smiled touched at her compliment. "Thank you, and Sophia, you'll get your happy ending, I'm sure if it." She excused herself and grabbed her luggage before returning to the living area of the suite. Johnny was stood waiting for her, and lent into kiss her cheek, "all the best darling." "Here, take my number, in case you're ever in London again and maybe I can return the generosity you've shown me." She said with a smile quickly handing over a business card. He was touched and tucked it into his pocket before holding the suite door open for her.

That very afternoon, Sophia had returned to her home to find it empty, she assumed Chris would have returned knowing how panicked he sounded in his texts the evening prior. She unpacked her luggage, and put everything back where it belonged she was somewhat of a neat freak like that. After making herself a coffee in their beautiful kitchen that had taken two months to renovate, she wandered along the bifolding doors admiring the garden. The place where they had spent most of Fall nurturing with bulbs so that now the flowers would be blooming. It was a beautiful sight but she couldn't help but feel deflated. This was a moment they should be enjoying together. Eventually the front door slammed shut and she tensed, it was now or never.

"Hey darling..." he threw a holdall down in the hallway and entered the large kitchen space and approached attempting to kiss his girlfriend but she just offered her cheek. He stepped back and headed straight to the refrigerator grabbing a bottle of water. "So how was your evening?" He asked before taking a big sip. Her voice was stuck, she was shell shocked at his casual attitude. "I assumed it was a messy one with the girls after that silly phone call. Now tell me who was it? Jordan? Theo?" "Who was who?" Sophia asked coldly. "The man who you gave your phone to and have him claim I was cheating. It was a good prank I must admit. You had me going for a few seconds." Sophia's eyes widened. So this was all a joke to him? She began to play him at his own lies. She smirked but it didn't come naturally. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She walked to the island leaning on it to give herself strength. "So, did you finish that big case? It must be extremely hard work for you to be there all night and then crash in your office?" "You have no idea. It's done now for a while though." She nodded slowly. "And did you manage to get any sleep?" She acted as if she was concerned. "A little but now you mention it after that work out I am a bit shattered. We don't have much planned for tonight or tomorrow do we?" "I don't..." she said quietly before standing up straight, "but you may be busy." "Oh?" He asked leaning against the work top and crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow. "Well... there's all your packing, and grovelling to do, there's you having to find somewhere to go, somebody who will put you up who will actually still like you after hearing what a LYING CHEATING SCUMBAG YOU REALLY ARE!!" "What?" His eyes widened and he stood up straight. "I'm gonna ask you one question. WHERE the fuck were you last night?!" He swallowed before saying "at work I just told you didn't I?" "You lying bastard!!!!" "Excuse me?!" Chris said slowly walking towards his girlfriend, he reached out for her before she jumped backwards. "Don't you touch me, I don't ever want you near me again, go to your blonde hussy Laura!!!" Chris' eyes widened and he bit his lip before attempting to talk. "I saw you. Last night. The Ned. Suite 4003. Tell me, did you seriously want to be that cliche?! On our anniversary weekend you took another woman to MY favourite hotel and fucked her brains out??" Chris' jaw went slack, there was no getting out of it now. "So go on. Go pack your bags and get out of my sight." Sophia said before running into the back reception room and curling up on the sofa crying. "Soph!! We have to talk about this you can't just shut me out!!" He yelled following her. "Ok let's talk. How long has it been going on? Is she good? How often do you meet her and have sex with her huh??!" "Soph." Chris said quietly, "so now you don't want to talk about it?" "It was nothing. She means nothing." "I don't care what she means to you. She obviously meant something for you to break our relationship up!!" Chris closed his eyes. "Every guy does it once. I just needed a little excitement something to make me feel special again." "So what, I don't give you enough excitement?!" "I didn't mean that!!" "Well what the fuck did you mean??" She said standing and rushing back into the kitchen. "Soph.." he called after her. "If you won't leave. I will." She said sternly before heading up the stairs.

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