Jisung noticed tears rolling down Minho's cheeks ..and  he was visibly shaking while balling his fist so tightly it could start bleeding any minute... Jisung slowly raised his chin up but Minho refused to open his eyes .. 

Jisung rubbed away the tears from Minho's face with his thumb and spoke " Minho .. open your eyes ... "  

Minho shook his head signalling a NO .... 

" Dont you want to hear my answer ??? " Jisung asked still holding other's chin 

Minho nodded but quickly shook his head side ways being absolutely sure about Jisung rejecting him and he knew his heart could not take that .. 

" Please .. look at me ... "  Jisung spoke in his honey kissed voice to which Minho had to surrender ... he slowly opened his eyes his vision blurry with all the tears ... Jisung cupped his face ... " you dont have to be so harsh on yourself .. " Jisung slowly let go of his hold on Minho's chin and creased his fisted hands to loosen up .. 

Minho finally relaxed and looked into Jisung's eyes and they both held the eye contact probably the first time ... Minho would always avoid it in school and Jisung just though he was a cold stone hearted asshole filled with attitude .. but in reality all Minho was trying to do was not freak out in front his crush .. his only crush ... 

there was silence .... 

Neither of them spoke .... both lost in each others gaze ... Jisung saw how Minho looked at him with eyes filled with love .. it was intense but delicate .. it was pure but also fierce ..... Jisung felt himself getting strange tingly sensations all over his body .. his face was heating up and he gulped loudly feeling butterflies erupt in his stomach just by the way Minho was looking at him .... 

" St--stop looking at me like that " Jisung broke the silence 

Minho blinked not realising he was staring at the boy he loved ... " So--sorry .... I -- I dint want to make you feel uncomfortable .. " if it wasn't night and there werent pin drop silence .. Jisung would not have heard what Minho said .. actually whispering 

" I am not uncomfortable ... it just feel different the way you look at me " Jisung replied with a slight tint of blush covering his cheeks

" Do -- does it make you scared .. I -- I am sorry ... " Minho tried to move back but Jisung held his hands  .. " sush .. no silly .. im not uncomfortable or scared .. i am just too surprised that its you

Minho tilted his head to the side trying to understand what could it mean ... Jisung sensing the question mark on Minho's face .. he said with a small smile " you are way to beautiful Lee Minho for being my stalker

Minho still looked confused ... 

and jisung sighed loudly shaking his head  .. " and I say YES ..... " 

Minho blinked again .. his confusion looking like dumbness .. 

" you silly cat looking potato ... i said YES .. i will like to get to know you .. we can start off being friends ...what do you say ??? " Jisung spoke expecting Minho to get it finally  

Minho hesitated but nodded ..a crazy smile covering his face  " Friends .....who kiss.... please  ??" he said making Jisung's eye open wide with shock but soon a chuckled left his pretty mouth to which Minho's face lit up on hearing his favourite melody .. 

They continues looking at each other but soon they closed the gap between them and their lips collided sending thousands of sparks across their bodies .. the kiss was slow rhythmic filled with emotions .. 

Minho pulled away happy tears streaming out of his eyes and he whispered " Thank you .. I love you Han Jisung ... I love you ... " In response Jisung pulled Minho back and smashed his lips on the other .. Minho getting carried away bit Jisung's bottom lip harshly making him whimper .. Jisung wanted to take control but Minho would let him .. he quickly slid his tongue into Jisung's cavern and the slow soft kiss was now a heated make out session .. Minho sat on the ground and pulled Jisung on his laps ... Jisung circled his legs around either sides of Minho by straddling him .... both bodies impossibly close to each other barely letting air to pass through ..  

both pulled away briefly to catch some breath .. but Minho was hungry .. he wanted more .. and Jisung could just evaporate with the just the lust in his eyes ... Minho  immediately attacked Jisung's neck nibbling and sucking the tender skin .. Jisung swore this was a whole new euphoria ... he had truly admired being held by his stalker before .. but the now the gentle roughness with which Minho was sucking his skin made Jisung go crazy .. he craned his head back giving more access to Minho to mark his territory .... and while doing that Minho found Jisung's sweet spot making him gasp loudly and moan ... that sent magic electric shocks throughout Minho's body .... mainly his little buddy down there ...  

But Jisung wanted to take control .. so he seductively but harshly pulled Minho's hair making him stop marking him and look in his eyes ... " what happened to Kiss .. I though you said friends who Kiss ... i didnt know kiss meant making out ... " Jisung teased Minho with a sly smile 

Minho hesitated but leaned to kitten lick the reddish hickey he just left on Jisung's neck while still being held back by hair ... " friends with benefits sounds like I want you for your body only ... which i dont .. I want you Han Jisung .. I want you so so bad .. BUT I want all of you .. every inch of you .. I want to mark you MINE .... " Minho said making Jisung tremble .... 

Jisung was slowly starting to grow fond of the boy in front of him .. he feared but liked the fire ...the lust... the desire.... the ambition and the conviction which made Minho's eyes sparkle every time he expressed his feelings ..  

"You --- " Jisung started to say letting go of his grip on  Minho's hair

Beep Beep Beep ... 

Jisung's words were cut off by the alarm on Minho's watch .. and seconds later  the sky lit up with many beautiful fireworks .. Minho leaned and whispered in Jisung's ears " A very Happy Birthday Hannie .. I hope you like all the presents you have been receiving from me the past years ... this year sadly it did not go as I had planned ... but I feel I am getting the biggest present though its your birthday ... Happy Birthday Beautiful ....... "  

Jisung was speechless .. the fireworks went on for another couple minutes and he looked at them astonished ... it was struggle for Jisung to speak again and he managed to utter out " You -- You did all this for ME ???" Jisung asked to which Minho smiled and nodded .. 

" You like it ??? " Minho asked . .. to which Jisung pulled away from the Minho stood up making a tiny distance between them and said " NO ... " 


and why do you think Jisung said NO ???? 

Secret Admirer --- MINSUNGWhere stories live. Discover now