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Her delicate fingers were wrapped around the handle of a blade. They twitched as the addictive adrenaline courses through her very body and soul, ravaging her with a feeling that made her feel alive.

Her chest was heaving, her lungs desperate for the air that surrounded her. They pinched, ached and did their best to keep her breathing.

Her eyes; they were a burning ember of brown as they stared at the bloodied, lifeless corpse that lay beneath her body, trapped in place by her legs on either side of the body's hips and the blade lodged on the chest. Her eyes were vengeful, enraged and yet insane.

Her grin; crooked and pissed. She was angry, unbelievably so, to which made her grin become malicious and a portrayal of the harm she intended - and had - to inflict.

Her hair; wavy brown with subtle natural highlights sat near her shoulders, fallen from the petite ponytail it had been styled in. The frizziness of her hair only contributed more to the manic look she radiated with.

"This is for her." Her voice was chilling as she had leant down towards the ears of the victim, her sculpted brows farrowing in more anger. "This is for taking her from me." Her arms reached up, fingers still curled around the blade's handle, and then they were brought back down. It repeated, as it had done a multitude of times already.

A crimson liquid soaked her hands and was splattered on her sharp featured face and her pastel coloured clothes. It shined with the setting sun's glow, as did her eyes and her grin and her teeth if pearly hues.

She looked deadly, dangerous and rather insane as a slow, deep but furious laugh bubbled from her throat. It didn't speed up, it didn't waver either. It was simply monotone and yet full of fury.

The body beneath her was a middle aged man. His body was slightly plump, too many nights in the fucking pub if you asked her, but he was tall. An easy height of 6'2". His eyes were practically glued open, the hazel hues giving nothing but pure satisfaction to her as she saw the fear etched in them. His face, slightly rounder than average but a jawline only just visible, stubble that was almost overgrown and bushy brows that were relaxed.

His thick throat was covered in his own blood, of which still pooled from the puncture wounds of her blade.

His chest, normally covered in coiled darkish hair was now covered in many gashes, puncture wounds and a broken rib or two on show.

As he laid there, emotionless and pinned by the murderous woman, the trees were peaceful. The greens were warm and reflecting the orange hue of sunset and the grass waved gently in command of the wind. The small wildflowers looked upon the gruesome act with grace and elegance, knowing no better of what was happening. They simply looked pretty.

"You took her..." she said with a shuddering breath as she brought the blade down a final time, all the maliciousness leaving her soul as she ducked her head down, her brunette waves falling and attempting to shield her from any on lookers. "You all took her from me."

"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" The bellowed cry of the local officer, no doubt with his gun cocked and dog by his side. But the malicious, murderous harmful intent grew back in force and her head twitched to the side, her eyes glistening menacingly.

"Have you come to watch me slaughter your men, God?!" Her voice was undeniably sinister. It was cold and sent shivers up the young officers spine. He could've have been working on the force for long if he reacted like such. "Have you come to condemn me?" She slowly stood, the blade still clutched tightly within her grasp as the crimson liquid dripped from the tip of the sharp blade. "Well, condemned I'll be! For I am a sinner and I've committed a sin. I have freed her from the clutches of her offenders. She was nine years Old!" She screamed and lurched, swinging frivolously and desperately. She got two good, lucky strikes onto the officer before his dog leapt.

She was pinned, writhing and screaming in pain. Blood pooled down from her new wounds, the sharp canines tore at her flesh. She was receiving her heavy due karma, but she was only avenging her sister, her sweet little Bethany.

"Kill me, officer, and I'll come back tenfold." She warned, her glare seething as she took in rugged, sharp breaths. The pain had been overwhelming, but she couldn't feel it anymore.

She couldn't see anything any more.

It simply felt like she was falling, and never stopping. Surrounded by the false blanket of darkness and the chill of the cold.



Heyyy how was the prologue??? Pls comment and vote x

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