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In the heart of the summer at Camp Half-Blood, where the laughter of demigods echoed against the backdrop of ancient oaks, there existed a tale woven with threads of fate. Aurelia, daughter of Hermes, graced the camp with her eternal youth, a curse laid upon her by time itself. the vengeful hand of Kronos. Forever sixteen, she moved through the days with the weight of time resting upon her shoulders.

Each night, Aurelia's dreams became a realm of shadows and whispers, a haunting melody that played upon the strings of her deepest fears. Amidst the chaos of her nightmares, one constant remained - her unwavering the ethereal drawings that unfolded in the darkness of her subconscious.

It was midnight, and the moon had just begun to illuminate the camp with its glimmering light, while campers were tucked up in their cabins, surrendering to their everlasting nightmares. The world went quiet for the most part, but Aurelia stirred in her sleep for an uninvited guest was seeping into her dreams like black ink.

"Aurelia, my dear, time has treated you unkindly. Embrace the eternity I offer, and the ages bend to your will."

Kronos voice filled her ears like the sound of a deep whisper. She hated the way her stomach twisted and the familiar feeling of fear coursed through her body when she had these dreams.

"your gifts are nothing but curses. I won't be part of your twisted game. I'd rather navigate the shadows of Tartarus." She scoffed at his simplicity. as if it was that easy to betray the literal gods.

"Time is a masterful puppeteer, young one. Why resist when you can wield its power? Join me, and you'll command an ageless existence, untouched by the wear of centuries."

"I've seen the destruction your mere presence brings, and I won't be your accomplice in unraveling the fabric of reality." She replied as she backed up slowly.

she always chose her words carefully when talking to him, just playing it safe if he decided to somehow rise from the ashes and hold her friends hostage or something of the sort.

"Stubborn, You could be a queen, ruling with grace and power. Rejecting this chance is a foolish pursuit of a fleeting mortal life."

"Mortal or not, I choose to live with purpose and meaning. Immortality under your reign holds no appeal. I'd rather face the unknown than be shackled to your distorted version of eternity."

You underestimate the weight of time, young one. You will realize the futility of your resistance, for time is relentless, and your defiance, but a moment in its ceaseless march.

Time may be relentless, but so is my determination. I'll navigate the currents of existence on my terms, not as a pawn in your chess game. My life belongs to me, not to the one who cursed me.

she'd like to call this one a draw but she knew that he hadn't given up yet and there was no of winning this.

Aurelia sat up, sweat tainting her skin. She needed air, she needed to think. There was only a few things she did when her mind was foggy with the reminiscence of her dreams still lingering in her mind, she drew them. Yes, like in a sketchbook using a pencil. You know how when you have a dream and then wake up, you forget everything? This was Aurelias' way of remembering. It wasn't simply a sketchbook-it was a time capsule. A vessel for the dreams she didn't want to abandon. Or did.

Aurelia pulled back her covers and slipped out of bed, slowly creeping towards the door The wooden floor creaked slightly beneath Aurelia's weight as she made her way to the exit. She glanced back at the room, ensuring her cabinmates remained undisturbed. With a quiet exhale, she stepped into the cool night air,

Aurelia's fingers traced the edges of her sketchbook, worn from countless nights like these. The moonlight illuminated the blank pages, waiting to capture fragments of her dreams. As she sat against one of the stone pillars, the soft glow of distant fireflies accompanied her thoughts. Her pencil glided across the paper, recreating the landscapes.

In the silence, the sketches became a whispered dialogue between Aurelia and her dreams. Each stroke was a bridge, connecting the ephemeral realm of sleep to the waking world. As the sketches unfolded, the fog in her mind gradually lifted, leaving behind a trail of tangible memories etched in parchment.

Aurelia closed the sketchbook. The dreams were encapsulated, safely nestled between its worn covers.

Her hands traced across the cover of her sketchbook. It was adorned with numerous doodles from her friends and herself, he fingers tracing over Luke's name, that he added a little sketch of a sword next to. Luke was her brother (or half-brother). Both are descendants of Hermes, the god of travels and Lord of Thieves. You could call him a jack of all trades. Luke had shown Aurelia how to fight. He showed her how to handle a sword and made her recognize she was far more talented with a bow; it was almost as if she could hear him in the back of her mind.

Before she could fall victim to another daydream, something rather loud interrupted her thoughts, a huge roar and yelling could be heard in the distance.

Aurelia jumped at the sound. she quickly moved towards the sound, and found herself at the end of camp looking out into the distant woods, her eyes widened in shock as she witnessed a minotaur's body dissolving into golden dust. The deafening roar had now given way to the rhythmic sound of raindrops pelting the leaves.

Out of the darkness emerged two figures, silhouetted against the camp's light. Grover, looked exhausted but relieved to meet her eyes, his goat legs splattered with mud. Beside him was a boy with tousled blonde hair, his clothes soaked from the relentless downpour. Their hurried footsteps echoed in the quiet night as they approached the camp's protective barrier.

Chiron, the wise centaur and camp's mentor, galloped over, his hooves clattering on the wet ground. Aurelia, stationed at the camp's entrance, couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension. The raindrops seemed to avoid the camp's borders, creating an invisible barrier against the storm.

"What happened out there?" Chiron's voice carried a weight of concern as he surveyed Grover and the mysterious newcomer. Grover limped towards chiron, carrying a huge minotaur horn in his unpreoccupied hand, while his other arm supported a petrified Percy. Aurelia knew all about Percy, keeping secret communication with grover while he was away, she had felt so happy for him when he got another chance at being a protector.

"Oh my gods grover, are you okay?"

The boy nodded, a mixture of exhaustion and determination in his eyes. Grover used Aurelias arm to steady himself, as Aurelia gripped his hand to help him from not practically collapsing.

Chiron, ever composed, turned his attention to Aurelia. "Aurelia, be on guard. We may need your assistance. For now, let us welcome our new friend and tend to their wounds."
The girl nodded, her eyes still on wounded grover as another saytr helped him walk.

As the rain continued to pour outside the camp's protective boundary, the night held an air of mystery, with the echoes of distant rainfall fading into the background of Camp Half-Blood.

Aurelia was left with her thoughts for the night, she knew that the camp took in half-bloods alot but this time it felt different, she could feel it in the air, lightning boomed in the sky as the storm raged on. A different type of storm was brewing, and Aurelia was sure they would all be caught in it soon.

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el speaking,

I hope you enjoyed this it took fifty million years for me to finish but it was worth it and I'm literally soosososo exited to continue!!!! 😇🤞

lots of love <3

𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, grover underwoodWhere stories live. Discover now