chapter six - axel

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I'm leaving the Audience Room after having met with the Regovian Prime Minister, August Malthouse. This is my third meeting with him since last week after having informed him of my matching and what I know about her so far. As expected, he was not please by the fact that she is a commoner and much less the Cabinet. It also does not help that I have gone rogue and refuse to marry at all.

Everyone has been trying to keep my decision out of the media. The second it makes it to the press, political upheaval will consume Regovia. The only current viable heir to the throne is my uncle and he is not necessarily popular with the family, the government and the citizens. To put it simple, the worst case scenario would be the House of Astor being exiled. Uncle Alister began to ruin his reputation and credibility during his twenties when he lost inhibition and started to lavishly spend taxpayers money on cars, women and gabbling. It is quite clear to any rational person that he would run the nation to the ground. That is if the Regovian people don't burn it in protests and strikes first.

The press already knows I have been matched after I attended the summer white ball with Darcy this weekend. The palace has not released a formal statement yet so right now, speculation on who it may be is what has been circulating. All they know is that it is not Darcy, much to her father's disappointment. The Communications team warned me that only so much time can go by before everyone becomes restless.
Hans delivered her file to my office on Thursday night, but I have not been able to thoroughly read it yet. All I know is her name and what she looks like. I was surprised by how ordinary she looks. Her light brown hair perfectly complements her honey-colored eyes. Her name—Lennon—also seems fitting and makes me wonder if her parents named her after John Lennon. I'm still deciding if I want to ever meet her, especially when I have no interest in marrying. It is selfish, but candidly speaking right now she is a piece of paper to me and there are more pressing matters consuming my time.

I walk down the transitional hallway to move over to the residential wing of the palace. I need Alix to confirm if I'll be coming over to Kenmare for dinner on Wednesday. She texted me after the eventful dinner we had with Mother and Father, saying she wanted to celebrate my "rebellion." I already rescheduled twice and don't want to do it again.

I open and close the door that divides the two wings, walking down the rest of the hallway.

Once I'm closer and go around the corner, I hear Alix's voice and call out, "Alix, I need you to—"

I stop-mid sentence surprised by the guest standing in the foyer. Lennon. My eyes meet the same pair I have been staring at for the past week.

Immediately, I know this is my sister's doing. I don't know how she got away with it, but Lennon did not arrive to Regovia and the palace on her own accord. Whoever helped her swore her actions to secrecy and I am not pleased.

"Alexandra," I reprimand.

Lennon looks uncomfortable, almost hiding into herself. Her way too casual outfit annoys me more than it should as well as her lack of strong character. She looks intimidated and weak, almost like a young child who has arrived to a new school. If Mother and Father were to see her, they would eat her alive and without even knowing her, I know for a fact she does not stand a chance against them. She truly is a commoner.

"Ax!" Alexandra exclaims, pleased and not phased despite being caught redhanded. She finishes walking down the stairs before standing next to our guest. "This is Lennon, your match. She just arrived."

I tighten my jaw, trying to control an impending outburst. Alix knows she can test my patience and I will not lose composure, but she is threading on thin ice right now. Everyone is aware of my dislike for doing anything unless it's on my own volition.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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