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Parings: Charlie x Dior,  Everyone

W/c: 2,398

Summary: Dior experiences a terrifying dream, and Charlie comes to her aid.

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AS THE MOONLIGHT POURED THROUGH THE WINDOW, it bathed the hotel room in a gentle glow, casting a soft illumination. The cast of 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' had embarked on a thrilling adventure today, marking the grand finale of their beloved show. Although the sun had bid its farewell, the night remained calm and serene. Rooms 409 and 410 were filled with the teenagers themselves. In one room, Dior and Charlie were present, while in the other room, Aryan, Walker, and Leah occupied the space. It might have been more efficient to separate the boys and girls, but let's be honest, everyone just plopped on beds and claimed them.

Charlie's chest rose and fell with a gentle rhythm, a symphony of tranquility. His body surrendered to a state of utter relaxation, while his eyes remained shut, shielding his inner world from the outside. In the realm of dreams, his mind embarked on a captivating journey, as he lay embraced by the comfort of his pristine, ivory bed.

And Dior? Poor Dior found herself trapped in a state of profound discomfort. Her delicate fingertips quivered with a mixture of nervousness and anxiety, while her visage displayed subtle yet consistent signs of distress. Every breath she took seemed burdened, leaving her with a sense of unease as her respiration became slightly irregular. This was no ordinary dream; it was a haunting nightmare that engulfed the 17-year-old's consciousness, and there was nothing enjoyable about it.

As the dream reached its peak, her fragile form couldn't help but give in to a soft, involuntary whimper that escaped her trembling lips. Her entire body convulsed with erratic movements, as if desperately seeking an escape from this surreal torment. With each passing moment, her heartbeat grew more intense, threatening to overwhelm her fragile frame with its ceaseless pounding. The weight of her emotions mirrored the suffocating atmosphere of this nightmarish realm she was entrapped within.

In an instant, Dior jolted upright, abruptly pulled back to the harshness of reality. A chilling breeze pierced through her, causing her tears to cascade down her cheeks like a torrential downpour, while her breaths came in rapid, desperate gasps.

"CHARLIE!!?, CHARLIE!!?," Dior's piercing screams echoed through the room, shattering the tranquility of the night. Her voice quivered with fear, punctuated by desperate gasps for air that eluded her grasp.

Charlie, jolted from his slumber, was abruptly thrust into the midst of the chaos. With lightning speed, he cast aside the comforting embrace of the covers and leaped out of bed. Arriving at Dior's side, he gently took her trembling hands in his, offering a steady anchor amidst the swirl of emotions. The dim light from the bedside lamp cast a warm glow, casting their faces in a soft, reassuring light.

Charlie's voice carried a soothing tone, laced with genuine concern. "Di-Di, I'm right here. Shh, shh, It's okay," he said, his words a soft balm to ease her distress. He could see the fear and anxiousness etched on her face, and he knew he had to bring her back to the present moment.

Placing a hand on her cheek, Charlie looked deep into her eyes, searching for a connection. "Listen to my voice, Dior. Breathe with me," he encouraged, taking a deep breath in and out, exaggerating the rhythm to guide her. Slowly, he noticed her wild gasps for air begin to calm, her breathing aligning with his own.

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