Chapter 9:A Trip Across...Remnant?!

Beginne am Anfang

Ruby:You guys heard of him?

Y/n:Yeah.Well to us he's a scientist in a zombie videogame.Which is why respectfully that name alerts so many red flags.

Ruka:So many.

Winter:Well that's all the info we got off him.We have his journal but we can't translate any of the language.

Y/n:Well what does it look like?

Winter:That information is classified.

Weiss:Winter he's helping us reach the extraction point

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Weiss:Winter he's helping us reach the extraction point.Besides he might know what the language is.

Winter:Sorry but that's not my call to make.

You all began to walk the streets.In the distance you heard sirens,gunshots,explosions and screams.

In the distance you heard sirens,gunshots,explosions and screams

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Nora:.........Oh.I wish we could do something to help them.

Y/n:I think the government can handle them.America IS the number one Military in the world.

Ruka:Only for interests.

Y/n:Yyyyup.But enough with the meta commentary.How much farther till the pickup point?My shoulder is starting to kill me from slinging this dufflebag.

Winter:Just 2 more miles.


Ruka:Y/n I'm tired!Carry me!


Ruka:Why not?Aren't we best friends?

Y/n:No offense friend but I'd rather stick my dick in an anthill.

Ren:Well that's a little rude.

Ruka:Ohhhh how mean!

That's when he leaned on Jaune.

Ruka:Carry me please?

Jaune blushed.


Ruby(whisper):Should we tell him?

Y/n(whisper):No.This is Ruka's dream.Besides he'll figure it out sooner or later.

A Trip Across...Earth?!(Earth x RWBY Harem)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt