
Y/n is in the car with her mother, who is driving her to the mall nearby. She turns the camera on and props it up so it's facing her.

"Hey, today my mom is driving me to the mall and I am going to spoil myself." Y/n said with a smile.

"Dont waste all your money." Her mother warned.

Y/n rolled her eyes "Yes, mom." Then she smiled "I'm joking. I love you."

"I love you, too." Her mom smiled.

"Can we listen to music?" Y/n asked as she adjusted the camera to show a little glimpse of her mom.

"Of course." She nods.

Y/n turned the cd player on and quickly covered her ears "AHHH!" Her newest album was playing full blast "Mom! Turn it off!"

"Why?" She turned it off.

"Why was it so loud?" Y/n asked exasperated.

Her mother shrugged "Why not?"

Y/n huffed a laugh and turned back to the camera "So, today we are meeting a very special friend of mine and they are going to be shopping with me, since I don't like shopping alone. And, I'll show you who when we get there." She turned the camera off for now until they get to the mall.

Once they arrive, Y/n sees the special friend waiting outside, taking selfies with fans. Her mother leaves her there and she turns the camera back on, pointing it at him.

"There he is. Talking to fans." Y/n said, the camera wasn't fully focused so they couldn't see who it was yet.

Y/n went up to him and after greeting him properly she shows the camera "Here is my very special friend, Ryan."

Ryan Reynolds pops into frame "Hey, how is everyone?"

"Ryan is shopping with us because he needs a new gucci belt." Y/n said, making Ryan hit her arm.

"Hey, no I don't." He denied "I told you, I need a new microwave because someone left a fork in their pasta." He said looking at Y/n.

She instantly argues "That wasn't me, that was Walker!"

"Right." Ryan said sarcastically before walking into the mall, Y/n looks at the camera a worried expression as she mouths 'It was me.' and she followed Ryan in.

After a while, the two ended up at Walmart. They were looking at all the home furniture and decor.

"Thats pretty cool." Ryan said as he picked up a small Deadpool statue.

"Yeah, I wonder who that is?" Y/n said sarcastically.

Ryan nods "I wonder. You know what else I wonder?"


"How Walker is." He smirked at her.

Y/n rolled her eyes "Shut up."

Ryan takes the camera "Everytime they come and visit my home, they are constantly flirting--"

"Okay!" Y/n takes the camera off of him "That's enough of that. You'll break my camera."

Ryan walks down the isle a bit more before pointing at something "Look, it's you and Walker."

Y/n frowns and goes over to see one of those example photos of a couple getting married "Shut up!"

"I'm not lying." Ryan said.

Y/n began chasing him around the shop, she begins running out of breath as she stopped, and Ryan keeps running.

"God, I can't breathe." She huffs.

After another while of filming, Y/n and Ryan leave the mall with a load of bags in their hands, Y/n holds the camera.

"Well, that's it for today." Y/n sighed "I love you all, thank you for watching."

"They will only come to see me." Ryan said with a goofy smile.

Y/n smiled "Whatever you want to believe, Deadpool." Ryan laughed as Y/n looked back at the camera "I send my love to you all and hope you have a good day or night."

Ryan then shouts "Bye!"

Y/n turned the camera off and smiled at Ryan. He dropped her off at home after having some food at McDonald's and meeting some fans if theirs.

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