Start from the beginning

Before exiting the alley, he had to change his appearance. He turned his grey hoodie and sweats inside out. They were black from the inside, so if Pierce was searching for Damian, he'd be looking for a blondie with a grey outfit. He didn't forget to cover his blonde hair with the hood.

With a heavy heart, Damian knew that his journey was almost over and he refused to give up now, refused to let fear dictate his actions. Putting the gun back into his pocket, he took a deep breath and stepped out into the unknown, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead.

As Damian navigated the bustling streets, his heart pounded in his chest with each step he took. He was acutely aware of the stares he received, the curious glances of passersby as they took in his unconventional attire. His grey hoodie and sweatpants turned inside out made him stand out like a sore thumb amidst the sea of pedestrians.

But Damian pressed on, determined to blend in despite the odds stacked against him. He kept his head low, his blonde hair concealed beneath the hood of his hoodie, his eyes scanning the crowds for any sign of danger.

As he walked, his senses on high alert, Damian's heart skipped a beat when he spotted the familiar sight of the black Genesis slowly driving by. Panic surged through him as he realized that Pierce was inside, searching for him.

He quickened his pace, not too noticeably, slipping into the crowd in an attempt to evade detection. Every nerve in his body was on edge, every instinct screaming at him to flee. But Damian forced himself to remain calm, to keep his wits about him as he continued on his journey through the unfamiliar streets.

As Damian passed beneath a streetlight, his gaze was drawn to a piece of paper fluttering in the gentle breeze. As he drew closer, his heart skipped a beat when he recognized the image printed on it—it was the picture he had taken on Asher's phone, the one that captured a moment of laughter and camaraderie between them.

Tears welled in Damian's eyes as the weight of the situation bore down on him. Asher was searching for him, reaching out to anyone who might have information about his whereabouts. The realization brought a mixture of emotions—gratitude for Asher's unwavering loyalty and determination, and a pang of guilt for causing him such worry and anguish.

Beneath the image of his own face, Damian noticed a message printed in bold letters: "If you have any information about this missing person, please contact me or the police immediately." His phone number was listed before. It was a beacon of hope in the darkness, a reminder that he was not alone in this ordeal.

But Damian's heart sank as he realized that he had no means of contacting the authorities. He didn't have a phone, no way to reach out for help or let anyone know that he was still alive. The paper fluttered in his hand, a silent reminder of the desperate situation he found himself in.

With a heavy heart, Damian folded the paper and tucked it into his pocket, a small token of hope to hold onto as he continued his journey through the unknown streets of the city. Despite the obstacles that lay ahead, he knew that he couldn't give up—not when there was someone out there who cared about him, who was fighting to bring him home.

With a sense of cautious optimism, Damian approached an older lady who was passing by, her face softened with concern as she caught sight of the young man's troubled expression.

"Excuse me, ma'am," Damian began, his voice trembling slightly with emotion. "I'm in a bit of a bind and I was wondering if I could borrow your phone to make a quick call. It's really important."

The woman's eyes filled with sympathy as she nodded, offering her phone without hesitation. "Of course, dear. Take as long as you need. I hope everything is alright."

We Meet Again [18+] | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now