chapter 2

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They arrived at hospital and jisoo was now sitting on the chair with both of his hands on his face crying harder and praying to God  to save his daughter.

The man was standing beside him watching him with sadness and guilt in his eyes. But then his driver approch him.

"Sir you forget your phone in the car and your dad is continuously calling you."

He nodded and took phone from driver.

"You can go!"

He look at jisoo and go in other room to call his dad..

"Hello dad"

He said very slowly. But on other side what he hear was completely different from his tone.


"I didn't forget dad I just---"


"Dad...I am not roaming around I got very important work so that's what I am doi--"

Seokmin was again cut by his father. He sigh heavily trying to calm down.

"WHAT!!! What important work you are talking about huh!!! It is more important than your engagement?!"

"Yes dad it is... Now what you know....I don't think I am gonna make it there so..... If you want you can cancel engagement."


This time he cut off his father by hand up on the phone!! He then turn around and see jisoo still crying while his both hands were together.

He sigh and make his way towards him and sit beside him. He was about to say something but door of hana's room open and doctor come out.

Jisoo get up from his sit and run to the doctor and asked

"H..How is m.. my baby doctor!"

"I'm sorry to say that but her condition is not good. she gave lost so much blood we can't really say anything. Excuse me.".

Doctor said and get back to the hana's room. Hearing this jisoo was about to fall but seokmin hold him.

"A..Are you o..okay!"

Jisoo look at him with teary eyes and blank face.

"No..I am no..not!"

But suddenly his blank face turned into angry one and he grab seokmin's collar harshly making seokmin shock by his action.

"I..If something happen to my baby....I am telling i will kill you....DO YOU HEAR ME I SWEAR I WILL...kill you!"

Seokmin wide his teary eyes and his driver come to pull jisoo back but seokmin sign him not to do that.

"I don't care who you are...but I will make you pay for this... I...I want baby back..."

Jisoo burst out in tears and fall in his knees crying on the floor. Seokmin also kneel down and hug him. Jisoo try to push while hitting him on his chest but seokmin hug him tightly.

Jisoo give up and hug him back crying hard on his chest.

"Plea....please.... Bring back please..I beg you please!!"

Seokmin started to rubbing his back. While saying sweet things.

"Shhh....nothing will happen to her...hmm!"

Seokmin made jisoo stand up and turn to make him sit on the chair.

3 hours had passed and doctor still didn't come out. Only nurse coming in and out. Jisoo was just sitting on the chair looking at white door with teary eyes hoping doctor come out and say his daughter is fine.

While seokmin walking back and forth. Sometimes sitting in the chair, sometimes leaning on the wall and asking about hana to the nurse.

Jisoo crying silently at the thought of his daughter. Seokmin looknat him and his tears started to fall too.

"I'm sorry it's all because of me...." Seokmin said while looking at jisoo. He turned to look at the door and continue "I'm sorry to you too little one....your mummy will be waiting for you and because of me you are here....I'm so sorry.."

Seokmin and jisoo both of them were crying. But then the door open and doctor come out. Jisoo literally jump out of the chair to the doctor.

"H..How is my d..daughter??" Jisoo asked to doctor who smile and tap his shoulder.

"She is fine...she is out of the danger." Jisoo smile at statment of the doctor and bow at him before going into the room. Seokmin approach the doctor.

"Thank you so much." He said and bow.

"Just go and meet your daughter." Seokmin widen his eyes and shook his head immediately.

"She is not my daughter.."

"Ohhh...I thought you were his husband."

"No..... anyway thank you doctor."

Jisoo was standing at the door while looking at his daughter. He wipe his tears and make his way towards bed and sat on the chair beside it.

He took hana's hand in his and kiss it gently. His eyes again filled with tears when he notice her cute face had some cuts.

A white bandage on her forehead with little blood stain.

Jisoo shakingly put his hand on her forehead and caress it softly.

"I'm sorry baby.... it's all my fault....if I had not leave your hand on the first place it would not happen. Please....forgive me."

Jisoo let out his tears once again (damn too much tears.) but after a few seconds he feel movement.

He look at hana who was trying to open his eyes while whispering something.



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