Chapter 131: Bet of Hatred

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, and my wealth is even inferior to Prince Goliaths." Said Echo with a forced smile while nervously glancing at the sacks of Immortal spirit stones.

"Haa, how do you expect us to place any bets now, Prince Elif? Our bets will be very lackluster compared to yours; your first bet was already way out of our league." Remarked Birger with a shake of his head while sighing.

Now that Birger mentions it, I was so confident in my present that I didn't even bother thinking about what everyone else would be capable of betting. On the other hand, I'm somewhat glad I did because otherwise, I probably wouldn't have made this bet with Matriarch.

"Ahh, yes, I didn't even think about everyone else situation; how about this, the bet placed between Matriarch and I will be our own personal bet. We will continue what I said before, except we will place more appropriate bets." Said Elif while glancing at everyone for confirmation.

"Sure, that's fine by me, Prince Elif; here's my bet, three thousand high-God spirit stones." Said Goliath with a chuckle as he summoned a sack filled with spirit stones from his dimension ring.

"Yes, I'd much rather prefer that. Three thousand two hundred high-God spirit stones." Replied Shelia with a nod while also summoning a sack filled with spirit stones from her dimension ring.

"After how much praise Patriarch gave my gift, this is going to be kind of awkward; one thousand eight hundred high-God spirit stones." Commented Echo with a slight smile as she copied the previous two and summoned a sack.

"Haa, with this, at least I don't feel as poor as before; thanks, Prince Elif. Three thousand three hundred high-God spirit stones." Stated Birger sarcastically while also summoning a sack.

"You're welcome, Birger. Four thousand high-God spirit stones." Replied Elif with a slight chuckle, summoning his third and final sack of spirit stones.

"With this, the betting of the gifts has started!" Said Elif with a large smile as he and everyone else focused back on Eyvor, who, this entire time, had been opening presents.

While we were discussing the details of the bet, Eyvor had opened presents from a few different Ancient hegemonies; although they were all lackluster, in my opinion, I shouldn't expect much from them. Eyvor continued to open presents from the remaining Ancient hegemonies, which weren't many left, so we didn't have to wait long until she finally arrived at the gifts from the Divine hegemonies.

After Eyvor expressed her thanks for the previous gift, she grabbed the dimension ring, which was placed on a plate labeled Giants; once she finished inspecting the contents of the dimension ring, she summoned both gifts and had them float in the air.

"Is this a bottle filled with blood, Goliath?" Asked Eyvor curiously as she held the glass bottle filled with blood that radiated an extreme amount of vitality.

"Haha, yes, specifically, the blood of a Titan. Or, if you wish to be even more specific, my blood!" Replied Goliath with a hearty laugh, though no one was surprised that he claimed to be a Titan, as by now, everyone in the dining hall had already learned the truth.

"I'm incredibly grateful for this gift, as I've heard the miraculous effects of adding Titans blood in pill concoctions; however, this is very dangerous. You should know with this amount of blood, someone could curse you many times over. So in good faith, I can not accept this." Stated Eyvor with a light smile as she shook her head and floated the bottle toward Goliath, to which he simply threw it back to her.

"Haha, don't worry about that, even I know how dangerous it is to do something like that; shortly after I had my blood extracted, one of my ancestors, who also happens to be a Titan, erased any of the essences I had in that blood. So now, even if someone wished to use that blood against me, it would be impossible since it is no longer my blood." Said Goliath with a laugh as he downed the remaining alcohol in his large bottle.

"Well then, if that's the case, Goliath, I will not refuse your generous gesture; Titans blood is just too precious to pass up." Replied Eyvor with a light smile while storing the glass bottle of blood in her dimension ring before focusing on the second gift still floating in the air.

"And it seems these are seeds; If I'm not mistaken, aren't these Victreebel seeds?" Said Eyvor in slight surprise as she examined the small chest, which contained three seeds in total.

"Yes, they are; seeing how you know about their existence, that must mean you require their abilities?" Remarked Goliath as a servant refilled his cup with beer for the fifth time since the banquet had started.

"Yes, me and my Mother have a large garden we attend to, so I've been on the search for Victerbel seeds, though for the past few years, I've been unsuccessful. This gift is also much appreciated, Goliath, though how did you know I required Victreebel seeds?" Said Eyvor with a light smile as she eyed Goliath while storing the chest of Victerbel seeds in her dimension ring.

"Coincidence. Hahaha." Said Goliath as he released a deep and loud laugh, though everyone was skeptical about his claim.

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