Let's start over...

13 1 0

Harry's POV

Lou: Haz I'm so sorry. Kate called and I have to go to her office. Can you please pick up the kids?

Me: No problem. Everything alright?

I rushed out of the office telling Niall I would finish all the paperwork at home since I had 20 minutes to make it to the kids school. I ended up being late enough where I had to walk into the office and sign them out. The kids wasted no time in telling me about their day and how excited they were to be out of school for a week. They asked where Louis was to which I answered he had a meeting with Ms Kate.

"Hazza can we make waffles for dinner?" Freddie asks as we walk into the apartment.

"Your wish is my command young sir." I playfully bow and ruffle his hair when he giggles. "Why don't you go play with Snickers and I'll get everything ready."

He runs off to the living room to find his furry best friend. I walked down the hallway and leaned against Bella's doorframe watching her carefully put away her shoes. I chuckle and shake my head. "You've got to be the neatest kid in America."

She rolls her eyes and it reminds me so much of when Louis was younger. "Not true. Can I tell you a secret?"

"Always." I pretend to lock my lips and toss her an invisible key.

"Every time daddy tells me to clean my room I just shove everything in my closet." She opens her closet and I laugh when all her toys and paper and pens fall out.

"Your secret is safe with me. Can I tell you a secret?" She nods her head excitedly. "Your daddy did the same thing until he moved in with me."

She laughs and follows me to the kitchen. I make sure I have all the ingredients for waffles and then decide to make some bacon and eggs to go with it. Freddie has found the remote and is watching Descendants on Disney+.  Bella grabs her camera and goes to the living room to take more pictures of Snickers and whatever else she can find interesting. It's been an hour since he texted me so I decide to start dinner thinking he shouldn't be much longer. I put the bacon on a pan and place it in the oven to cook. I call Freddie to help me make the batter for the waffles. He turns the mixer on full power before I can grab the bowl and batter flies everywhere in the kitchen.


I turn the mixer off laughing as I hear Bella take a picture. She's kneeling on the couch and has her elbows on the back of it. Freddie has his bottom lip between his teeth and looks like he's going to cry. I shake my head and set him on the counter grabbing a towel to wipe the batter off his face.

"Bub. It's alright. It happens."

"I'm sorry. It's a mess."

I shrug. "It was kind of funny. Wanna see something?"

He nods and I grab some batter and toss it towards Bella as she screeches and runs away. Freddie's mouth drops open and he watches Bella throw some back at me. I set Freddie on the floor and the three of us throw the batter around the kitchen. The two of them over power me and dump the batter on my head and I tackle them to the floor wiping my head against both of them. I pick them both up at the same time and set them in their rooms telling them to get a shower. Once I hear my shower and the guest shower running I head to the kitchen to clean up. Once the counters are wiped down and the floor is mopped I set the dishes in the dishwasher and pull the eggo waffles out of the freezer. The oven dings and the bacon is ready. It's 5:30 and Louis still isn't home and he hasn't texted me. The kids have started Descendants 2 and I've got to admit the songs are good. I fry some eggs for the kids and make them each a plate and set it on the table in front of the couch. I remember the first time I told them they could eat anywhere in the apartment as long as they cleaned up their mess they had been amazed. I guess it was a rule the douche had set because Louis had grown up like I did and our parents let us eat literally anywhere. Once we even took dinner up on his roof to watch the stars while we ate.

Choices. Chances. Changes.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat