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Harry's POV

I groan hearing my phone go off again. I know that it's Niall reminding me of our business trip to New York. It only takes 3 and half hours to fly from Houston to New York. It takes an hour to get to the airport. I estimate it will take another hour to get Snickers to the pet boarding facility and settled in. I'm lucky they said yes since she has a thing with people. Liam refused because he said last time she tried to kill him, she just didn't want him in the house or cleaning the litter box. She hadn't actually bit him..he said it was because he moved back in time and jumped on the kitchen counter. I had told him to go to my room and grab the Metallica t-shirt that was on her bed.

His shirt.

He had laughed saying it would be impossible that a shirt would calm her. It worked though and she calmed down after he sat that in his lap and she realized he meant no harm. Still he refused to watch her again and instead told me about his friend Spencer who ran a pet place and had an animal whisperer pretty much.


"What is it Niall?!" I say into the phone probably louder than necessary.

"Morning to you too Harry. Ready to go?"

I roll my eyes and look at the time. "It's 9am and our flight is at 3pm."

"Exactly! No time to waste. Liam and I are outside the door. Oh he wants to know where Snickers is."

I laugh. "Is wittle wiam scared of a kitty?"

Niall laughs. I hear Liam mumble something about a killer cat. I reluctantly get out of my bed and open the front door. Niall pushes past me and sits on the floor with his arms open calling the cat. She won't go to him but he still tries. Liam hands me a cup of coffee and closes the front door for me.

"So tell me why we're flying out on a Friday and the meeting isn't until Monday?" I ask as I walk to my bedroom to pack.

"Well...you see...there's this show Li has been wanting to see and since it's our anniversary tomorrow I figured fly out early and..."

Niall suddenly stopped talking. I finished throwing things in my duffle bag and threw the clothing bag holding my suit on the bed. Of course it's their anniversary.

"Harry. You can come with us." Liam whispers.

I shake my head. "Why do I have to fly out today?"

"I thought you'd like to see the town. Go out. Have fun." Niall smiles at me while Liam frowns and gives me an apologetic look.

It's not Niall's fault for being happy about his anniversary. I shouldn't have pushed him away over the years. The only reason Liam knows what happened that day is because he was the one to come over and tell me he was dating Niall. I smile at Niall but shake my head no...I am happy it's their anniversary it's just also the same day I lost both of them. I don't want to celebrate that. I don't even want to remember  what happened almost 9 years ago.

I walked into the apartment after being out of town with mom and Gemma for the weekend.

Louis and I have been best friends since we were 4 and he moved in next door. We were inseparable. We were in the same class every year in elementary school. We traded lunches and played cars together. We walked to middle school together every morning and back home again in the afternoon. We had sleepovers and told each other all our secrets. I remember when we were 12, it was the first time he told me he had a crush on this girl Hannah, and I told him I had a crush on his friend Taylor. A few days later we told them and asked them on a date. We had gotten ourselves girlfriends! It was new territory. It wasn't just Harry and Louis anymore. After we'd been dating them for a couple weeks I told him I was scared to kiss Taylor. That was the night I got my first kiss.

Choices. Chances. Changes.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora