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Louis POV

"Hi. This is Louis Hemingway. My kids Bella and Freddie Hemingway won't be in today. They have a stomach bug. They should be back tomorrow no problems. Thank you." I tell the secretary who answers the phone at the elementary school.

Harry walks out of his bedroom in light purple suit pants, a white button up and a jacket to match his pants. He has his tie hanging around his neck as he carries his shoes in his right hand. Holy shit. He looks...fucking hot. Bella comes out of the spare bedroom wearing her blue jeans with the butterflies on them and a pink t-shirt with her slip on vans. Freddie is wearing black skinny jeans and a Spiderman t-shirt. They look very underdressed compared to Harry.

"Are you sure they're okay to go to work with you? They can always come with me later."

"It's fine. I have a meeting at 11 but they can watch a DVD. I'll be on the same floor since the meeting is in Niall's office."

"Daddy. Can you tie my shoes?" Freddie plops down on the couch next to Harry and looks at me expectantly.

"Come here munchkin." I grab his foot and start tying his converse. "You two be good at Harry's work alright? No running and don't touch anything."

The kids nod their heads but Harry laughs. "He's joking. You can run as fast as you can and touch everything. Believe me compared to Niall you two won't cause any trouble."


I freeze as I put Freddie's right foot down and grab his left. Harry gets up to answer the front door. It had been two hours since my mom said she was on her way and I was even more nervous now that she was here. I hear him greet her and call Bella's name but she comes to stand next to her brother. It stabs me in the gut knowing that the last time she saw her granddaughter she was only 6 months old. I stand up and slowly walk around the couch to face her.

"Mom." I whisper looking into her eyes.

"My baby boy." She pulls me into her arms and I wrap mine around her waist. "It's all going to be fine. I promise."

I nod. "Freddie." I call and he comes to stand beside me with Bella and Harry next to him. "This is your Grandma Jay."

"Mom this is Freddie. And Bella but..."

"Bella was much smaller the last time I held her. She looks so much like her mother. Freddie however is just as handsome as his father. He has your eyes exactly." She kneels down to look at them both. "Hello Bella. Hello Freddie."

"Hi." Bella says softly. "Daddy she's pretty."

I smile. "She is very pretty." Freddie mumbles a quiet hi and hides behind my leg. I look at my mom apologetically but she just shakes her head.

"Okay kiddos." Harry says breaking the silence. "Let's get going shall we. I'll even stop for McDonald's on the way just don't tell Niall he will throw huge fit." He holds his hands out and the kids hug me before taking his hand. "See you later boo."

"Later Haz."

My mom and I watch as the door closes behind them and hear it lock. I walk into the kitchen and grab another cup of coffee. I probably shouldn't have more since I've already had two cups but I need something to calm my nerves. Snickers makes her way into the kitchen from her bed in Harry's room and rubs herself along my leg. I grab a can of her food from the cabinet and set it in the food bowl for her to eat. I can feel my mom's eyes on my back and I hear her pull a chair out and sit down at the table. After adding my sugar and creamer I sit down at the table next to her.

"They seem comfortable with Harry."

"They do. He showed Bella everything from when she was a baby. Freddie loves talking to him about Snickers and hearing all the embarrassing stories he knows about me."

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