005. A Ballad With Ballad

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As I'd come to find out, the most crucial aspect of living a double life was time management.

I planned my day right down to when I clocked out at five. Everything had gone exactly as expected until Alfie's speech, in Halcyon Square, lasted longer than predicted. Which meant I had thirteen minutes to make it to Ballad's show, and an hour before dinner.

Racing under the lifted pathways and between the skyscrapers, I passed gardens of lush flowers, taking the express route through one of Alfie's pet portals that connected tunnels and boosted my body like a feather in the wind. A few minutes of precious time gained, I emerged near the huge, metallic fist that was the Juno Centre. Shaped like a colosseum, the wide petals of its flower opened to embrace the sky.

Above, the sky speckled with clouds. A soft breeze carried the scent of pretzels and spices from the nearby concession stand.

A neon sign scrolled across the building's face and flashed with the image of Griffin. He wore a black v-neck and a gold necklace, with gemstone earrings dangling low. The image from his new album.

It was a shame I'd have to interrupt him. Griffin's songs were techno-pop, and I liked his music.

I came to a halt at the end of the sprawling queue. Text atop the image read, Get higher than the clouds, followed by a digital clock. I was just in time for the end of the opening act.

Though my name would have gotten me backstage, I waited. Found my seat near the middle.

The lights had yet to dim. Bass thrummed off circular walls, accompanied by a soft keyboard. The band overtook the stage, and only when I followed the singer's trajectory did my eyes land on Ballad.

He sat, one leg crossed over the other on stage, swathed by fans. Cameras flashed, and he ushered more over with an easy flick of his wrist. As he bobbed his head to the music, his gaze found me.

I froze.

He waved in an almost regal fashion. I tried my best to look like I was headed in his direction, even though if he knew my seat, every spiderweb lie was going to pull away.

I couldn't be in two places at once. Much to my chagrin.

"Essa!" Ballad called as I approached. The mass of fans broke to let me through so he could hug me. "How did you get in here without me noticing?"

I shrugged. "Fake name."

He laughed like it was a joke. It wasn't, but still. "Can I get you front-row seats?"

"No," I said with a bit too much force.

"You're sure?" He swivelled to the velveteen-backed chairs and pointed. "I always leave a few free for family. One's in case today is when Muse shows."

Sure enough, ribbons blocked the middle seat. Villains only, the gold wrapping said.

Ballad reached over to sign a copy of his album. Leaned back to sway to the song as it ended.

"Fine. You can move me." I gritted my teeth. "I'd love to sit next to them. That would be an interesting conversation."

He grinned. More flickers of cameras doused him in light. When he stood, the crowd gathered before him cheered louder than the beat of my heart and the band. Gesturing to someone to his side, they led me to the chair.

For a moment, all was silent. Staff shuffled away with the band's equipment and handed Ballad the microphone. The instant he lifted it, the room exploded with shouts.

It was all I could do to hold my eye roll. Shadows descended over the colosseum. For a beat, the only source of brightness was the sky.

Shuffling around the seats, I snuck out before he could begin. My suit, switched on using the button on my coat, weighed heavy on my shoulders.

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