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We walked towards his cabin, and inexplicably, my heart began to race. Despite not knowing him, a sense of nervousness overwhelmed me.

Suddenly, my mom swung open the door, revealing him – Mr. Kim, the therapist. He looked like an angel fallen from heaven, with a captivating smile that left my heart in a flutter.

After an initial awkward silence, he greeted us.

"Good morning. It's nice to meet you. I am your therapist, Mr. Kim. You can call me whatever you like. I hope you have a good time with me." he said, giving a slight wink that made my mom chuckle.

My heart sank, but his bright smile persisted. Although my face remained poker, inside, my heart raced.

He continued, "Please take a seat, beautiful ladies. I don't want two super beautiful women standing in front of me while I am here sitting." My mom chuckled again, and we both took our seats.

He asked if we were comfortable, to which my mom enthusiastically agreed. I nodded my head slightly.

He then inquired about the reason for our visit.

My mom hesitated a bit before explaining, "Actually, this is my daughter, and I've been noticing for a few days that she is showing some symptoms of early depression. So we decided to get her tested because, you know, it's good if cured early."

Mr. Kim acknowledged, "Oh, yeah, okay. May I know the reason?"

My mom patted my shoulder, signaling for me to speak. However, I remained silent, staring at the floor. My mom took the lead, "Actually, she went through a breakup."

He casually dismissed it, "Oh, a normal teenage problem. That's alright. Um, ma'am, if you don't mind, can I talk with the patient privately? I sense she's not that comfortable."

My mom agreed, "Oh, yeah, sure."

Mr. Kim directed her to the waiting area, saying his assistant would call her. As my mom left, I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and anxiety.

Alone in the room with Mr. Kim, an awkward silence enveloped us. Fiddling with my fingers, I couldn't shake off the nervousness that had settled in the air.

Finally, He initiated the conversation, asking for my name.

"Um... its YN..,Min YN," I replied.

"Ah, very nice name," he complimented. "So, Neha, first of all, look at me and stop fiddling with your fingers."

I complied, meeting his gaze, and suddenly, I found myself lost in his eyes. The eye contact was captivating, and a part of me didn't want it to end.

Nevertheless, he proceeded with the conversation.

"Okay, YN, can you please tell me how the relationship was?"
He inquired.

"It was okay," I responded dismissively.

"Kindly elaborate on that," he pressed.

"I said it was okay," I replied, a hint of annoyance creeping into my tone. His presence was making me feel vulnerable, a sensation I disliked. His presence made me feel weak which I didn't like.

"Okay, I get it. So, you know what? Let's keep it a normal conversation," Mr. Kim suggested.

"Better," I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Alright, Yn, what are your hobbies?" he asked.

"Dancing, Netflix and chill, and painting," I replied.

"Well, I must say, God has also shown his great art by creating a piece of art like you," he complimented, leaving me slightly taken aback by his words.

To be continued...⛓️🥀

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