Chapter 6: Umbridge is a Bitch

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The cool morning air outside the bathroom did little to ease the tumult of emotions swirling within Harry as he faced the repercussions of his night with Draco. The lingering warmth of their shared intimacy clashed with the chill of guilt and secrecy. As he composed himself, a burning desire to find Draco once more ignited in his chest.

His steps quickened, driven by a magnetic pull towards the Slytherin common room. The door opened easily, and Harry found himself enveloped in the shadows of the dimly lit room. Draco, lounging on a couch, looked up with a knowing smirk.

"Missing me already, Potter?" Draco teased, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Harry, his cheeks aflame, scowled at Draco. "I just wanted to... make sure you're okay."

Draco chuckled, rising from the couch and closing the distance between them. "I'm perfectly fine, Potter. More concerned about you, though."

Before Harry could respond, Draco's lips were on his, a searing kiss that sent shivers down his spine. The lingering tension from the previous night reignited, and their bodies pressed together in a spicy dance of desire.

It took considerable effort for Harry to pull away, panting and flushed. "Isn't this complicated for you? Hiding us as much as you can?"

Draco, however, only chuckled. "Complicated is my middle name, Potter. Now, run along before someone catches us."

As Harry left the Slytherin common room, the elation of their encounter clashed with the weight of the world outside. The Great Hall awaited him, along with Ron and Hermione, and the reality of the challenges they faced.

Upon reaching the Gryffindor table, he found Ron and Hermione engrossed in the Daily Prophet. Their expressions darkened as they read the headlines—Umbridge had been appointed High Inquisitor at Hogwarts.

"She's got more power now," Hermione muttered, her voice thick with frustration.

Ron slammed the newspaper down, his anger evident. "This is outrageous! She's going to make our lives miserable."

Harry, conflicted by the news and the secrets he harbored, couldn't bring himself to share the details of his night with Draco. Instead, he nodded in agreement, the sense of impending doom settling over them.

The day unfolded with tension thick in the air. In Detention, Umbridge's punishments took on a new level of cruelty, leaving Harry with fresh scars on his hand. The stinging pain intensified with each passing hour, and by the time detention arrived, he could barely hide his discomfort.

Walking back to Gryffindor Tower, the pain in his hand became unbearable. Draco, who had been a constant presence outside Umbridge's office, was nowhere to be seen. Desperate for relief, Harry stumbled back to the common room.

Hermione, ever resourceful, handed him a vial of Murtlap Essence. "This should help, Harry. It's for the pain and to promote healing."

As Harry applied the essence to his hand, the door to the common room creaked open. Draco (who somehow found out the password), without a word, walked in, his eyes locking onto Harry's injured hand. The anger that flashed across Draco's face was undeniable.

"Did she do it again?" Draco demanded, his voice laced with fury.

Harry, unable to meet Draco's gaze, mumbled, "It's nothing, Malfoy."

But Draco wasn't satisfied. He grabbed Harry's hand, inspecting the scars with a mix of concern and anger. "This is unacceptable, Potter. She's going too far."

Ignoring the smug, watchful eyes of Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan (two gay as fuck boys who were dating), Draco's rage simmered. "I'm going to kill her."

"No!" Harry, Hermione, and even Ron, who had just entered the room, shouted in unison.

Ignoring the incredulous stares, Draco, wand in hand, made a beeline for the common room exit. "I can't let her get away with this."

Harry, grabbing Draco's arm, pleaded, "Don't, Draco. It'll only make things worse."

Hermione, ever the voice of reason, added, "We need to be strategic. Attacking Umbridge won't help anyone."

Draco, torn between his desire for revenge and the reality of the situation, gritted his teeth. "Fine, but I won't stand idly by while she tortures you."

In a surprising turn of events, Harry turned to Draco, the weight of his plea evident in his eyes. "Draco, could I... stay with you tonight? Just until things settle down."

Draco, after a moment of hesitation, nodded. "Under one condition—put on the Invisibility Cloak. We can't afford anyone finding out."

As they slipped out of the Gryffindor common room under the cover of the cloak, the tension in the air was palpable. In Draco's dorm, hidden from prying eyes, they found solace in each other's arms. Draco wrapped his arm around Harry, his touch a balm to the wounds that marred Harry's skin.

Kissing the scars on Harry's hand, Draco whispered, "I won't let anyone hurt you, Harry. Not if I can help it."

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