Chapter 20: A Sinister Plot

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The Hogwarts grounds were eerily quiet as Harry clutched Cedric's lifeless body, his sobs echoing through the night. The gravity of loss weighed heavily on him, and he refused to let anyone approach, as if holding onto Cedric might somehow undo the horrors of the graveyard.

Moody, who had escorted Harry back to Hogwarts, glanced around, assessing the situation. Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Snape approached, concern etched on their faces.

"Potter, we need to get him to the hospital wing," Moody grumbled, attempting to take charge.

But Harry resisted, his grief-stricken eyes fixed on Cedric. "No! He can't be gone! He can't be!"

Dumbledore, his eyes filled with sorrow, stepped forward. "Harry, we understand. But we must—"

"He's dead because of me!" Harry cried, his voice breaking. "I couldn't save him. I couldn't save him, Professor!"

Dumbledore, with a heavy heart, placed a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder. "Let us help you, my boy. Cedric deserves a proper farewell."

Moody, however, had other plans. Behind his magical eye, a sinister glint flickered. Unbeknownst to everyone, Draco Malfoy, sensing something amiss, lingered in the shadows nearby, his instincts telling him to stay vigilant.

Moody, seemingly in a hurry, suggested, "We need to get Potter to the hospital wing. He's in shock."

Draco, hearing Moody's urgency, decided to follow them discreetly. As they approached the hospital wing, Moody redirected them, steering Harry towards his office instead.

"Professor Moody, the hospital wing is the other way," Dumbledore remarked, his brow furrowed.

Moody, his magical eye twitching, responded gruffly, "Got something to discuss, Professor. Important business."

Curiosity flickered in Dumbledore's eyes, but he nodded, allowing Moody to guide Harry into his office. Draco, however, remained wary. Something felt off, and he decided to follow them.

Inside the office, Moody closed the door, leaving Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Snape outside. Moody turned to Harry, his gruff demeanor giving way to something darker.

"Sit down, Potter," Moody commanded, his magical eye fixed on Harry.

Draco, hidden in the shadows, strained to hear the conversation. The air in Moody's office felt charged with an ominous energy.

Moody, now fully transformed into his true identity—Barty Crouch Jr., a Death Eater disguised as Moody—revealed himself. "You see, Potter, we had a plan. A plan to return the Dark Lord to power. You were the key, and you played your part well."

Harry's eyes widened with realization, horror etched on his face. Draco, listening intently, felt a chill run down his spine.

"Your blood, Harry, was the final ingredient. A willing sacrifice. A bit of your blood, and a bit of his father's bone, his servant's flesh." Crouch Jr. spoke with a maniacal glee, reveling in the sinister plot.

Draco, unable to contain himself, gasped. The pieces fell into place, and he understood the magnitude of the betrayal unfolding.

Meanwhile, outside the office, Dumbledore exchanged a worried glance with Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape. Something was amiss, and the urgency of the situation heightened.

Back inside, Crouch Jr. continued his twisted revelation. "But, you see, the Dark Lord wanted more. He wanted to punish you for defying him in your fourth year. He wanted to break your spirit."

Draco, realization sinking in, clenched his fists. The truth was more horrifying than he could have imagined.

As Crouch Jr. spoke, a commotion erupted outside the office. Dumbledore, recognizing the signs of treachery, summoned his magical presence to force the door open.

The door swung open, revealing the twisted scene within. Crouch Jr., caught off guard, raised his wand, ready to fight. Draco, fueled by a mix of fear and determination, stepped into the office.

Dumbledore, his eyes piercing, demanded, "Explain yourself, Barty."

Caught in the act, Crouch Jr. faltered. The truth unraveled, exposing the sinister plot to resurrect Voldemort.

As Dumbledore and Crouch Jr. engaged in a tense exchange, Draco's gaze locked onto Harry. The shock and disbelief in Harry's eyes mirrored the turmoil within Draco. The world they thought they knew had crumbled.

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