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It was an old but still after wash would looked more better door, its once clear glass tinted door had vines claimed it as their own, their tendrils snaking across the surface, obscuring the door from view.

The sight of the door piqued her curiosity. It was an anomaly in her garden, a man-made structure amidst nature's masterpiece. She wondered what lay beyond the door, what secrets it held.

The grand architectural structure nestled within a vibrant garden. The structure appears to be an entrance or gateway, characterized by its intricate designs and golden embellishments. The detailed artwork on the arches and domes adds to its grandeur. Stained glass windows adorn the sides of the structure, casting colorful reflections that add to the overall aesthetic to the door.

The garden surrounding the structure is lush and well-manicured. A stone pathway, bordered by blooming flowers in hues of pink, yellow, blue, and purple, leads up to the entrance. The garden is meticulously maintained with neatly trimmed bushes and towering trees that provide shade. Sunlight filters through the trees, casting dappled light onto the pathway and enhancing the magical atmosphere of the scene.

Overall, the image presents a breathtaking view of an ornate architectural structure amidst a beautifully maintained garden. It's a testament to the harmonious blend of man-made structures and natural beauty. The intricate architecture and the vibrant garden together create a serene and picturesque setting. It's a place that invites exploration and appreciation of its detailed craftsmanship and the tranquil beauty of nature.

And so, with a sense of anticipation, she approached the door. Her heart pounded in her chest, a rhythm that matched the rustling of the leaves in the wind. As she reached out to push the vines aside, she couldn't help but wonder if this door held some secrets.

She opens the door, there a serene and magical garden setting bathed in soft sunlight. The centerpiece is a large, majestic tree with lush green foliage. Its branches and roots form an intricate archway, showcasing the beauty of nature's designs.

Hanging from the tree is an elegant swing with a plush seat and armrests. The swing is suspended by decorative chains, adding a touch of elegance. It invites relaxation amidst the beauty of nature, offering a perfect spot to enjoy the tranquility of the garden.

'It's so preety but why was the door covered with vines anyway it looks like some special used for someone but it looks like it had been abandoned'

The ground is adorned with a carpet of vibrant flowers. The blossoms, particularly prominent in pink, create a beautiful contrast against the greenery. They add a splash of color to the scene, enhancing the enchanting atmosphere of the garden.

Stone paving provides a path through the floral splendor, leading the eye through the garden and inviting exploration. The path adds structure to the garden, balancing the wild beauty of the flowers and trees.

Lanterns hang gracefully from the trees, their presence promising gentle illumination in the darker hours. They add a touch of whimsy to the scene, suggesting that the garden is just as enchanting at night.

'I'll just take a slight nap'

Calista's absence had caused quite a stir in the castle. Everyone, from the maids to Silas and even Ace, had been in a state of panic, fearing the worst. The relief that washed over them when Calista returned was palpable. Silas, teary-eyed, had hugged her, his relief evident in his tight embrace. He had been worried sick, as had everyone else in the castle. They had thought she had been abducted, a fear that had sent them into a frenzy of worry.

Ace, too, had been in a complex emotional state. He had been torn between his feelings of resentment towards Calista and his concern for her safety. Her sudden disappearance had left him in a state of turmoil, his emotions running high. But when he saw her, safe and sound, a wave of relief had washed over him.

'Why am I relieved but most importantly where has she been'

Calista, unaware of the chaos her absence had caused, had spent her time in her secret place, the garden. She had dozed off on the swing, lulled by the beauty of her surroundings and the soft hum of her song. It was a stark contrast to the frantic search that had been taking place in the castle.

Her return had brought relief to everyone in the castle. But it had also brought questions. "Where were you?" Silas had asked, his voice filled with concern. "Everyone was looking for you." His words were a reminder of how much she meant to them, of how her absence had affected them all.

Calista could only offer a smile in response, a silent promise that she was okay. She had found her secret place, a place where she will make her own sceret garden and where she would go more maybe.

'I guess it was a quite long it's almost sunset now I slept a bit much more than I thought must be because of all the stress Ace gave'

Calista's simple explanation of her absence, "I just dozed off," brought a sigh of relief from Silas. He couldn't find it in himself to be angry with her. He quickly instructed the maids to prepare a bath for her, adding that they would have dinner together once she was refreshed. As he left to give her some privacy, the maids scurried off to prepare the bath.

Ace, who had been standing nearby, approached Calista. His question, "I thought you ran away after confessing," revealed his concern. Calista's playful response, "Oh well, maybe you did not have eyes," brought a hint of lightness to the situation. She reassured him that she had been in the castle the entire time, putting his worries to rest.

"Also wash my hair will you?"

'Wash her wha-'

Ace's interaction with Calista was filled with a mix of emotions. When Calista asked him to wash her hair, he was taken aback. He remembered the last time he had done so and the thoughts that had followed. His face turned a frustrating shade of red as he tried to decline her request, suggesting that the maids could do it. But Calista was insistent, reminding him that he had done it before. Unable to argue, Ace agreed, albeit reluctantly.

As Calista prepared for her bath in the expansive bathroom, Ace was left alone with his thoughts. He remembered the last time he had washed her hair, the touch of her soft locks, the scent of her shampoo. He remembered the thoughts that had followed, thoughts he deemed sinful. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind.

'I shouldn't be thinking about this'

With a nod of agreement, albeit reluctantly, Ace gave in to her request. However, he couldn't meet her eyes, his gaze focused on the ground. Calista, confused by his reaction, decided to leave for her bathing room.

Her bathing room was one of her favorite places in the castle. It was almost as big as a pool, a luxurious space designed for relaxation and rejuvenation. The room was filled with the scent of her favorite bath oils, a soothing aroma that instantly put her at ease. As she stepped into the room, she couldn't help but smile. This was her sanctuary, a place where she could wash away the worries of the day and emerge refreshed and renewed.

When he entered the bathroom, he found Calista in the pool-like bath, her eyes closed in relaxation. The sight of her, with her porcelain white skin and wet hair, stirred feelings within him. He felt a tightening in his chest, a heat spreading through his body. He quickly pushed those thoughts away, focusing on the task at hand.

'I should not think this just remember a 'vile wom-' but she does look preety with her hair open and wet'

As he washed her hair, he couldn't help but steal glances at her. Her relaxed demeanor, the way she hummed a tune under her breath, it was all too familiar, too intimate. He remembered the last time he had been in this situation, the thoughts that had plagued him for days after. He felt a familiar stir within him, a desire he had tried so hard to suppress.

Once he was done, he quietly excused himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm done, my lady. I will be taking my leave now." Calista hummed in response, a smile playing on her lips as she smelled her rose-scented hair. Ace left the room, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. This encounter, as brief as it was, had left a lasting impact on him. It was a reminder of the complex relationship he shared with Calista, a relationship that was about to become even more complicated. Only time would tell what the future held for them.

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