As the days turned into weeks, letters began to pile up in Calista's room. They arrived from all corners of the kingdom, each sealed with a different crest. Yet, Calista paid them no mind, her attention consumed by other matters.

One day, a maid came to her room with a message. Her brother, the lord of the castle, had summoned her to his office. With a sense of curiosity, Calista followed the maid through the winding corridors of the castle to her brother's office.

Upon entering, she found her brother standing by the window, his gaze lost in the sprawling view of their lands. "Calista," he began, his voice carrying a serious tone, "it's been a few days and I think it's time you should take your magic detection."

'I did read about it but I don't know more about Calista because the heroine's story was more emphasized.'

"Magic?" Calista echoed, her brow furrowing in confusion. "What are you talking about, brother? I don't think I have such a thing."

Her brother turned to face her, his expression solemn. "In our family, once we reach a certain age, we can manifest magic. A few of us in our family line have this gift."

Calista's eyes widened in surprise. "So, you have-" she started to ask, but her brother cut her off.

"I don't, Calista," he said, his voice firm. Yet, his eyes told a different story. They held a certain sadness, a longing perhaps, that contradicted his words.

Calista studied her brother for a moment, her mind racing with questions. She had always known their family was special, but the revelation of a potential magical lineage was something she had not expected. She had read her brother's book a bit but she does not remember everything.

Silas gently guided Calista to the plush couch that sat in the corner of the room. The fabric was soft under her touch, a stark contrast to the cold stone walls of the castle. Silas took a seat beside her, his presence a comforting warmth.

Just as they were settling in, a knock echoed through the room. Silas' face lit up with a smile, a rare sight that added a softness to his usually stern features. Calista, on the other hand, looked at him in confusion, her head tilting to the side in a silent question.

"Who could it be?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "We mostly don't have any visitors since our parents' death."

Silas turned to her, his smile not wavering. "You'll see," he said, his voice filled with a mysterious excitement that only piqued Calista's curiosity further. As he rose to answer the door, Calista could only wonder who their unexpected guest could be.

The castle had been their solitary sanctuary for so long that the prospect of a visitor was both exciting and nerve-wracking and she has never seen anyone visiting in these weeks. But as she looked at Silas' retreating back, she knew she could trust her brother.

Before she could ponder further, the heavy wooden door creaked open, revealing two figures. The first was an elderly man, his age evident in his long white beard and hair. He wore long robes that bore the resemblance of a sage's attire, adorned with intricate patterns of moons and other celestial bodies. The fine details of the design spoke of a high level of craftsmanship.

Accompanying him was a young man, older than Calista but still brimming with youthful energy. His ginger hair was a stark contrast to the old man's white, and his light green eyes sparkled with a pleasant demeanor. He too wore robes similar to the old man, suggesting a shared purpose or perhaps a master-apprentice relationship.

As they entered, Silas gestured for them to sit. The old man took a seat across from them, his movements slow and measured, while the younger man chose to stand, his eyes scanning the room with interest.

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