Part 13: The Forbidden Reunion: A Stolen Kiss Amidst The Engagement Celebration

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Taylor stood nervously in the ballroom, surrounded by elegant decorations and a crowd of excited guests. Today was supposed to be her fake engagement day with Sid, her boss. She had never expected her life to take such a twist of events, and the nerves were getting the better of her.

As Taylor anxiously scanned the room, her heart skipped a beat when she saw her ex-husband, Jay, making his way towards her. Panic consumed her as she desperately searched for an escape route. Taylor knew that Jay finding out about their son, Ferit, was the last thing she wanted, especially considering their tumultuous past.

 Taylor knew that Jay finding out about their son, Ferit, was the last thing she wanted, especially considering their tumultuous past

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1 Hour ago...

Jay hesitated for a moment before deciding to attend the engagement party of one of his investor's son. He knew that he could network and strengthen his business connections. As he entered the lavish venue, Jay felt a pang of nostalgia. The grandeur reminded him of his own engagement party, which seemed like a distant memory.

As Jay mingled with the guests, he couldn't help but notice the groom, Sid. Sid was radiating with joy and his eyes sparkled. This sight stirred something within Jay. Memories of his own engagement party started flooding back, bringing both pain and longing.

Jay: (smiling) Hello, Sid. Congratulations on your engagement. The party looks beautiful.

Sid: Thank you, Jay. I'm so excited to marry Taylor. She's amazing.

Jay: (pausing, his expression growing thoughtful) Taylor? That's a beautiful name.

Sid: (nodding enthusiastically) She really is. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

Jay: (thoughtfully) I remember feeling the same way about my wife Taylor.

Sid: (puzzled) You do?

Jay: (nodding) Yes. She was the love of my life. But she left, six years ago.

Sid: (surprised) I had no idea. I'm sorry to hear that.

Jay: (sighing) It's in the past. I'm glad to see you so happy with your fiancée.

Sid: (grinning) Thanks, Jay. I've never been happier. And you know, if you ever need any advice or support, I'm here for you.

Jay: (smiling gratefully) I appreciate that, Sid. Congratulations again, and best wishes for a lifetime of happiness with Taylor.

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