Chapter 18

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"You alright there kiddo?" His dad asked a little nervously as Orion gorged on the Pizza. "Yes dad, I'm fine." Orion replied slightly irritated. "I'm going up to my room, here's some money if you want to go into town and buy something." Orion said tossing a small pouch to his dad before beginning to climb the steps. It would distract his dad for a while, and he would get some alone time. "Th- thank you." His dad said obviously flustered by the hefty pouch of money. Climbing the steps was hard work with Orion's new weight and he was out of breath by the time he got to the top. He stood there, hands on his knees, panting for a few minutes as he regained his breath. When Orion had caught his breath and he started to walk down the hallway. He eventually found his room and found out he could lock it from the inside. He realised his bags were down stairs as soon as he flopped onto the bed. "Ugh..." he groaned, getting up with a lot of struggle before beginning to go down the stairs. Going down was much easier then going up. He grabbed his bags and started to go back up the stairs. Midway through he clutched his chest and his hand touched the coin necklace, sending an onslaught of memories. He went down the stairs into the kitchen and ate everything he could find to calm himself down. He sat down on the kitchen floor afterwards, huffing and puffing. When his dad came through the door Orion was still sitting there on the floor, food boxes and wrappers surrounding him. His dad sat down next to him. "Are you sure your all right? You've been acting strangely ever since you got off that train. The mood swings, the anti socialty and the eating. Oh lord the eating. It's out of control son." His dad said sounding worried. "I'm fine dad," Is the only response that his dad would get. Orion stood up with a little bit of struggle. "Could you take my bags up stairs?" Orion asked. "Ok kiddo, just keep what I said in mind." His father replied before picking up both of their bags and walking up the stairs. Orion remembered Blight had told him something as he was getting off the train. What was it? "Every tribute needs to have a talent. It's like a hobby." That's what he had said. A talent? What did Orion like doing? Eating couldn't be a talent. Could it? Maybe cooking could be his talent. He walked up the stairs slowly so he wouldn't get too out of breath. He walked into his room and looked through his bags. Just some clothes and things like that. He thought about what his dad had said. Should he talk to him? Where would he even begin? Telling him Gannet had been his friend for years and he had been sneaking over the fence to get to him. Oh Gannet. Why did he take the knife! Orion began crying as his dad walked into his room. "Son, I know something is wrong." His dad said sitting down next to him, "What's wrong? Just tell me." It was a few minutes before Orion could even compose himself enough to talk. "Dad *sniffle* you know my allies? They weren't just my allies, they were my friends. Gannet has been my friend for years *sniffle* and I've been going to district 4 to talk to him and, and," Orion said before beginning to cry again. "Just let it all out." His dad said patting him on the back. "And Daisy, I only knew her for a few days but she was one of the greatest people I ever knew. She was brave, kind, smart, funny and had a wonderful singing voice. When she died it was hard to keep fighting, but when Gannet killed himself I just, just couldn't take it anymore. I was going to kill myself with him but he made me promise not to. And I don't know what to do anymore. My music box just stresses me out now because it just reminds me of the arena." Orion cried out. "Music box?" His dad asked. "Don't you remember! Mom carved this music box for me before she died! How could you forget something like that!" Orion said furiously. "Get out of my house!" Then his Dad got up, walked down the stairs, grabbed his bags and left.

The hunger games: sands of survivalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon