Chapter 16

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  Orion woke up, got out of bed and sat there on the verge of tears for half an hour. He then looked at the music box, coin and ring. He slipped the ring on, put the coin back on it's necklace and put the music box in his pocket. He mentally prepared for the day he had ahead of him. He opened the door and saw thistle. "Ok, your going to have to get ready for the viewing tonight, of the hunger games edit of course. But before that your going to have an interview and... are you even listening to me?" Thistle asked. "Look thistle I don't give a single fuck about your stupid schedule! So if you'd be kind enough to let me mourn in peace then I would appreciate it." Orion snapped at Thistle. He walked to the dining table and sat down looking at the empty spot where Orchid would of sat. He only picked at the food, despite his ravenous hunger. He was looking horrible. He had barely eaten or drunken anything in the Arena and had barely gotten any sleep too. He got up and took the elevator down into the training area. He didn't need to train but it would help him get his mind off things. He threw a few knives into the wall. He heard clapping behind him and he turned around. "Good job, surviving the games and all. I was just about to pack all this up and put it in storage for next year." The training instructor said. "I'll help." Orion offered taking his knives out of the wall. He put away all the weapons and spent the entire morning packing up the training equipment. "Thanks a lot, Orion. Some advice, don't be careless, your famous now and people will tear you to shreds if you do something wrong." She said to him. "Don't worry I've already been torn to shreds, I can handle a few comments." Orion said angrily walking into the elevator and hitting the 7 button. He shot up and stopped very quickly. The doors opened and his prep team had surrounded him, ushering him into the changing room. They picked at him, added make up, cut his hair, shaved him and washed him. Then they put on a bunch of deodorant and he was 'ready'. Pert greeted him when he walked out and showed him what he would be wearing. It was a beautiful design with autumn leaf patterns and and orange to brown hues. It was completed with gloves, which had little paw prints on them. So did the bottom of his shoes which were brown loafers. He walked out and was asked to spin. He turned slowly and half heartedly. When he had finished showing off his new clothes he was escourted to dinner. He ate but not much, still not being able to keep the food down. He got up and was guided to a limousine. He stepped in and they drove to the place which Orion had been interviewed. He was guided under the stage. He felt a little jittery but he thought about his friends sacrifice and knew he had to be as brave as them right now. He walked onto the metal platform under the stage and braced himself for what was to come. It rose up through the floor of the stage and he was assaulted by flashing cameras, lights and sounds. He was given the victor's crown. He reluctantly put it on, knowing he would get in trouble if he didn't. Then he sat down on the Victors throne and prepared to watch the recap of the games.

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