Chapter 5

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Orion followed blight to the elevator and went down into the training area. It was below ground underneath the rest of the building. It had read foam for carpets which made you have a softer landing if you fell. There were stations for all types of things like camouflage which had carpets of grass, snow and other environments which you would have to blend into or the campfire station with timber and stones which you had to use to make a fire. There were only the tributes from district 3 and 8 who were late, everybody else was on time. The training manager came and started speaking. "Hello everyone! Welcome to the training centre. Here you will train to fight, survive and hide! You may choose what station to go to and what to train for. Remember having these skills could mean life or DEATH so be careful what you choose. LET THE TRAINING BEGIN!" She said into the microphone before walking off. Immediately Orion went to throwing knives. He hadn't thrown a knife for 5 years so he was bound to be a little rusty and he had to train his best skills to survive. He picked up a knife and threw it. He it the 3rd ring of the target. "Not too bad." The training instructor said almost as if he were mocking him. Orion threw another and it hit the centre of the target only a few centimetres from perfectly hitting it. He started throwing 3 knives at once in one hand which he could do but had a little worse aim. And he hit moving targets extremely well. He moved on as he had gotten the hang of knife throwing back and then he glanced across the room and Gannet at the snare station. He was doing incredibly well because he had been tying knots ever since he was a baby. He waved at him but Gannet only glanced in his direction. Orion then went to the sparring arena which had blunted weapons. If you hit something in the sparring arena like the heart you would win. Or if you hit and arm they couldn't use that arm. Waiting for him was a chubby but tall and stocky boy. He had a ball and chain and very curly hair. He looked like he was from district 1 or 2. Orion remembered him being dressed up with gold and diamonds during the parade suggesting he was from 1. The boy gripped the handle of the ball and chain and swung it. Orion dodged and threw a knife. It hit the boys leg forcing him to fall over. He got back up with a limp just in time to hit Orion's head. And if the ball wasn't made of foam he would be dead. He couldn't be this sloppy in the arena if he wanted to survive. He looked over and saw a station which had only one person. And it was a station never really used. A riding station. At it was the girl from 10 who was on the mechanical bull and had been on it for 20 seconds already. Which didn't really surprise Orion since district 10 was in charge of cattle production. It took 20 minutes for her to get off. "Too easy even at max difficulty." She said walking past him but Orion stopped her. "What do you want?" She said in a southern accent. Well that's what people called it because 10 was in the south and everyone spoke like that there. "Why do you think they'd have a mechanical bull? It makes no sense since there aren't any vehicles or riding animals in the games." Orion said to her as they started walking. "Unless they do this time. I little twist to make it more interesting and to give 10 a chance for once, you know." She said. "What's your name? If your right I could use someone like you as an ally." Orion said. "I'm daisy, daisy patterson nice to meet ya," Daisy said. "I'm Orion. And over there is gannet from district 4." He said pointing at gannet now in the campfire area. "I saw what you did with those knives. It was impressive, I'd like you in an alliance too." Daisy set shaking his hand before walking off to train with a javelin. Orion knew that his alliance with gannet wasn't official but he could tell Gannet would say yes. He walked over to him and asked, "Do you want to be in an alliance?" Gannet thought about it. "Of course!" Gannet said deciding it would be better then being alone and maybe having to kill Orion. "We have another person in our alliance aswell, Daisy Patterson." Orion said pointing at Daisy in javelin training. "I think we have a good group put together." Gannet said optimistically. But Orion was doubtful.

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