Chapter 2

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It all came back to Orion. When his mother died his dad became an alcoholic. Of course that didn't put food on the table so Orion had to get creative. One day they were running extremely low on money and in frustration he threw a knife. It jammed into the log extremely well. It took some effort to pull it out. He threw it again and again realising he was a natural. And then he had an idea. Start a knives show performing for money! He grabbed as many knives as he could and a satchel. He went into town and started throwing knives. He threw them at stone walls into the air he even juggled them. People started tossing coins in but as the weeks past he had to get more creative. He started putting the edge of the blade on the tip of his finger and balancing it, throwing a log up and throwing a knife into it and of course throwing knives into walls and climbing them using the knives as handholds. One day the entire town was watching and he was balancing knives on knives on his tongue and throwing knives up before kicking them back in the air with his heel. Until he threw his knives into a wall and jumped from knife to knife until he slipped and fell all the way down. Everyone laughed at him and didn't stop talking about it for 2 years. Even to this day he hears the occasional comment about it. He eventually climbed the stairs and stood at the top. "Well folks we have our tributes! Orion Gatekeeper and Orchid Newbloom!" Thistle said before shuffling us behind the stage into the justice building so we could say goodbye to our family and friends. Orion sat down on a plump cushion which was green with a polished spruce frame. Great craftmanship. His dad walked it and sat down. When he sat down the chair creaked and groaned in complaint. "Son I know I haven't been the best father but I really hope you make it in the arena. If not for me for your mother" He said. "Don't worry dad I'll survive. Those ugly bitches won't know what hit them" Orion said making his dad laughed. "You've always been a fighter and you have survived too long to die now." His father said before realising his 5 minutes were up. "If you die you won't hear the end of it from your mother" his dad joked before being escourted out by peacekeepers. Orion wished Gannet could be here. Orion knew Gannet lived in another district but he wished he could say goodbye to him. He followed Thistle onto the train which would take them to the capitol. Blight and thistle were both sitting at the table. Orchid sat down with them. Orion saw so much food. He had terrible impulse control and ate so fast he was full in a matter of minutes. He almost struggled to keep it down his hatch. He walked into his room after dinner and watched the tv looking at the other tributes but when it reached district 4 he almost screamed and cried at the same time. Gannet was the male tribute of district 4. He was going to have to kill or be killed by his best friend. "No no no no no!" Orion whispered to himself half panicking. "I can't kill him! All I can do is hope he kills me or is killed by someone else. Hopefully the latter." He thought. He could barely sleep and when he finally did get some sleep it was only 1 hour.

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